
September 19th , 2024


Kwame Fosu

A year ago


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A year ago


In the world of politics, it is not uncommon for public figures to face criticism and scrutiny for their actions and decisions. Recently, both former President John Dramani Mahama and Cecilia Dapaah, a prominent government official, came under fire for allegedly misusing public funds. However, controversial lawyer Maurice Ampaw has taken a different stance, labelling the critics as hypocrites and questioning the significance of a mere US$1 million in the grand scheme of things.


The Allegations against Mahama


Former President John Dramani Mahama, a leading figure in Ghanaian politics, has faced accusations of mismanaging public funds during his time in office. Specifically, he was accused of accepting a government-owned vehicle as part of his retirement package, valued at approximately US$1 million.


The critics argue that accepting such an extravagant gift, especially in a developing country like Ghana, is a clear indication of corruption and a misuse of public resources. They contend that public officials should be held to higher standards of ethical conduct and fiscal responsibility and that accepting such lavish perks is unacceptable.


Cecilia Dapaah and the Lavish Expenses


Cecilia Dapaah, Ghana's Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources, has also faced criticism for her alleged misuse of public funds. Reports have emerged suggesting that she spent a considerable amount of money on accommodations during an official trip abroad.


Critics argue that such extravagant spending on personal comfort, while representing a nation grappling with economic challenges, is a display of insensitivity and a lack of accountability. They believe that government officials should prioritise the prudent use of public funds and be mindful of the impact of their actions on the general population.


Maurice Ampaw's Defence


In a surprising turn of events, lawyer Maurice Ampaw has come forward to defend both Mahama and Dapaah, labelling their critics as hypocrites. Ampaw argues that the allegations against Mahama are trivial and insignificant when compared to the vast economic challenges facing Ghana. He questions why the focus is on a mere US$1 million when the country is grappling with issues like poverty, unemployment, and inadequate infrastructure.


Ampaw contends that singling out Mahama for accepting a vehicle, which he believes is a minor matter in the grand scheme of governance, overlooks the broader issues that require attention and resolution. He urges the public and the media to direct their energies towards more pressing matters that affect the lives of ordinary Ghanaians.


Similarly, Ampaw defends Cecilia Dapaah, suggesting that her critics are unfairly targeting her for expenses that may be within reasonable limits for an official trip. He argues that government officials often have to travel abroad on official business, and some level of expenditure is to be expected. Ampaw emphasises that scrutinising every expense can hinder the effectiveness of government operations.


The Importance of Accountability and Transparency


While Maurice Ampaw's defence of Mahama and Dapaah raises questions about priorities, it is crucial to emphasise the importance of accountability and transparency in governance. In any democratic society, public officials are entrusted with the responsibility of managing public funds and making decisions that serve the best interests of the citizens.


It is essential for citizens to hold their leaders accountable for their actions and expenditures, no matter how seemingly insignificant they may appear. Transparent governance fosters public trust and confidence, ensuring that public officials act in the best interest of the nation and its people.


Finding a Balance


Critics argue that accountability and transparency do not preclude public officials from incurring legitimate expenses in the course of their duties. However, they contend that such expenses should be reasonable, justifiable, and in line with the overall socio-economic context of the country.


Finding a balance between supporting necessary official expenses and scrutinising potential extravagance is essential to upholding the principles of good governance. It is vital for government officials to be mindful of their actions and expenditures, understanding that every decision they make has implications for the citizens they serve.




In the midst of accusations against former President John Dramani Mahama and Cecilia Dapaah for alleged mismanagement of public funds, Maurice Ampaw's defence has sparked controversy and discussions about the significance of a mere US$1 million in the broader context of Ghana's challenges. While Ampaw questions the priorities of the critics, it is crucial to remember that accountability, transparency, and ethical conduct are vital pillars of good governance.


As citizens, it is our responsibility to hold public officials accountable for their actions and expenditures and to demand transparency in government operations. Striking a balance between legitimate official expenses and avoiding extravagance is essential to ensuring that public resources are used responsibly for the benefit of the nation and its people.

Meet the Author

Kwame Fosu

Content writer

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