
January 30th , 2025



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A year ago

A recent experiment showed that papaya leaf extract contains anti-cancer properties and is effective against tumor cells.Although many people do not know it, the medicinal use of papaya and its products is on the rise. It is not only for naturopaths, but doctors and nurses are also encouraged to use it.It is not for nothing that Christopher Columbus called the tree nails the fruit of an angel. In fact, papaya as a fruit is loved worldwide for its sweetness, but research continues to show that its salty components are less important than its health benefits.But while the fruit is packed with nutritional value, other parts of the papaya, from the seeds to the peels, leaves and more, are also very beneficial to our health. In fact, it is reputed to carry the most health benefits of any fruit.With a lot of hidden benefits for skin, health and hair, coupled with its deliciousness, pawpaw now ranks as one of the most beneficial gifts nature has blessed us with. What are the health benefits of papaya?The benefits of papaya (also known as papaya) can only be realized if its nutritional content is known. Papaya contains dietary fiber, folic acid, vitamins A, C and E. It also contains small amounts of calcium, iron, riboflavin, thiamin and niacin. Papaya is rich in antioxidant nutrients such as flavonoids and carotene; it is very high in vitamin C plus A and low in calories and sodium. It also contains:Vitamin AVitamin CVitamin EcalciumironriboflavinThiamineniacinWith the above information, it is easy to understand why papaya is known as the healthiest fruit among other fruits. Here are some health benefits of papaya

1. Lower cholesterolPapaya is rich in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants that prevent cholesterol from building up in the arteries. Excess cholesterol build-up can clog arteries, leading to a heart attack.But with papaya, the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries is excluded. 

2. Helps strengthen immunityIt is important to understand that your immune system is your first line of defense against any type of infection that can make you really sick. Amazingly, just one papaya can provide over 200% of your daily vitamin C needs, making it a great immune system booster.

3. excellent eye carePapaya is rich in vitamin A and flavonoids such as beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin and lutein, which keep the mucous membranes of the eyes healthy and prevent their damage. In addition, the vitamin A present in papaya helps prevent the development of age-related macular degeneration

4. Helps relieve menstrual crampsAlthough this may sound a little strange, it is true. Women with menstrual cramps should eat extra servings of papaya because it contains an enzyme called papain. This papain helps to regulate and ease the flow during menstruation.

5. promote hair growthApart from maintaining healthy skin, papaya is also very effective in maintaining healthy hair. The vitamin A it contains is used to produce sebum, an essential compound to keep hair smooth, shiny and moisturized. 

6. Anticancer propertiesResearchers have found papaya to be effective against breast, pancreatic and other cancers. In addition, a recent experiment showed that papaya leaf extract has anti-cancer properties and is effective against tumor cells.

7. Anti-inflammatory effectThe enzymes in papaya, especially papain and chymopapain, reduce inflammation in various parts of the body.

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Bernard Atsu Dogbey


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