
May 20th , 2024


Stanley Hammond

9 months ago


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Every relationship is distinct, and there are a many  of reasons why people assemble. Sharing a common vision for what you want the relationship to be and where you want it to go is one of the characteristics that make a relationship strong and healthier. And the only way to determine that is to have a  honest conversation with your partner.

In partnerships to which we claim to be dedicated, we may spend a lot of time wondering, maybe anxiously, “Do they love, or care about me?” Is that sturdy? Could everything suddenly end? Spending more focus on the more important question of “What can I do to help this valued relationship endure?

Instead of thinking of love as an emotion that typically flows gradually, and naturally, we can fall into an era when we view it as a passive enigmatic gift that we are unable to directly manufacture or ensure. Love typically results from a partner feeling cared for and heard in the manner in which they have probably certainly regularly indicated to us that they need to feel, independent of things that we are in a position to do.

Love language:

To hazard a generalization, most individuals tend to indicate their emotional needs directly if we are in the mood to listen so that they can feel internally certain that they are in  compassionate hands. In other words, there are many things we may decide whether or not to do. Today, we actively choose to damage or strengthen our relationships rather than acting as passively victimized bystanders.

Under normal conditions, loving people should be viewed as a predictable reward rather than a lucky break. There are  instances where people who are eager and ready to maintain a relationship are later abandoned for no reason they could ever have predicted or who are, more often than not, deeply and covertly hesitant about the fears of commitment. However, there are probably not enough of those to keep love alive.

Effective Communication:

You can tell someone, “Okay, I get it. I know how you feel. I know how you saw things. But the way I saw it was so and so.” Thus, you acknowledge their perception and the fact that it is how they feel while still providing your perspective.

Communication is essential, that much is true. You’ve probably heard that a ton, and for good reason—it’s true. And it is incredibly impossible to experience not only a healthy relationship but a successful one, without adequate and effective communication. We must learn how to communicate with one another and how to listen effectively. Without it, we won’t have any good outcomes.

We’ve witnessed a ton of relationships fall apart due to poor communication. Not because two individuals couldn’t have resolved it if they had simply discussed it and expressed themselves clearly, but rather because they skipped that step and were unable to do so. Therefore, it’s crucial to work on improving your communication in relationships.

How to improve your communication.

You can improve your communication by;

First and foremost, listen to understand not give a rebuttal

Second, you can disagree but do not dismiss.

Also, don’t make the conversation all about you

It’s crucial that you create a setting in your relationship where you two may engage in healthy debate or conflict. Additionally, look for ways to cooperate and reach consensus. Relationships will be healthier and more successful if we can communicate actively.

Be positive:

It is necessary to always stay positive in the relationship. Positivity attracts positivity and if you exude such vibes, your partner is sure to reflect the same energy. 

Designate a monthly date night:

Between both of your busy schedules and nonstop responsibilities, the most foolproof way to guarantee that you’ll make time for each other is to set a night every month dedicated to strengthening your bond and reigniting that spark. Whether you’re looking to spice up your relationship or want to do something together.

 Say “thank you”

Especially in relationships that have gone on for years and have fallen into routines, we can get so comfortable that we expect our partners to meet all of our goals, whether it’s how they treat us or the daily chores they do. Saying a simple “thank you” for cleaning the dishes after dinner or giving you a compliment enforces their good behavior and makes them feel appreciated as well as helps you remember why you love them. It’s also important to express appreciation and gratitude for them being in your life.

 Schedule a check-in:

Scheduling might not seem very sexy and spontaneous, but making sure you’re regularly checking in with each other will keep your relationship strong. It can be easy to let annoyance after annoyance build up until it gets to a full-blown fight, so checking in means fewer fights, more communication, and better connection. After all, a relationship is just two people trying to get their needs  things:

Another way to add meaning to your conversation is to truly listen to what your significant other is saying and then bring up those little things again in the future. For example, if your partner mentions a new pair of shoes that they want, take note of it to gift it to them for their birthday coming up, or if your significant other says they want to try a restaurant you haven’t been to, suggest it for your next date night or surprise them with takeout. The fact that you pay attention to and remember even the minor details that your partner says will show how much you listen, and care,  about you.


 Let go of the past:

As a culprit for many potential misunderstanding and the underlying issue for future ones, what happens in the past doesn’t always stay there. But it’s difficult to move forward in a relationship when you’re still thinking about past  problems, or issues that you’ve already resolved. If you find yourself continuing to dwell on the past, it might be a sign to take a step back and consider why. Are you naturally less forgiving or is what happened something you can’t seem to forgive? By focusing on the reason for this recurring feeling, you’ll find more clarity within yourself and about what you want from the relationship with your partner.

Show your affection:

From grabbing your partner’s hand at a restaurant to going to bed together at the end of the night, you know how you feel about your partner, but they should be able to feel it as well. Physical touch goes a long way in keeping romance and connection alive in long-term relationships. Try to avoid physical touch routines, meaning the only physical touch in your daily life is a kiss goodbye or a hug hello (though these are also important gestures). In addition to your hellos and goodbyes, hug them unexpectedly, hold their hand in the car or while watching TV, or even just pat them on the arm to feel close. Physical closeness can translate to emotional closeness.

Meet the Author

Stanley Hammond


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