
March 7th , 2025


Osei Gabriel

A year ago


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A year ago

A video is fast gaining the attention of the popular microblogging platform Twitter and users can't keep calm. In the viral video, a Nigerian lady who relocated to Canada to seek greener pastures posted a video of herself in uncontrolled tears and revealed that she is lonely in Canada and wishes to come back to her motherland.

The video was posted by “punch Newspaper”  one popular new sharing accounts on the platform. The lady Identified on TikTok as Sylvia Chikwendu reveals the following in the video;

“I'm so sad, I miss my life and my family. I feel invincible, I'm hurting all the time, I feel like I'm just existing. I need help."

“People don't tell you about moving to Canada. I feel so lonely. I feel like I live with someone I can't have a conversation with. I'm trying to cry and I have to be silent about it”.

"You just lose out on so many things. Your life, you just leave it behind. You have to work all the time and you have school. I'm so sad."

Her video generated many comments, a few of which are highlighted below;

“It'll get better but the feeling never really goes away.

Sounds like she was living a middle-class to upper-middle-class life in Nigeria before she traveled abroad. Those much-touted gains of a better life from emigrating to developed countries usually apply when you are filthy rich to the extent of being able to afford an apartment with a view in Manhattan; or when you are dirt poor in Nigeria like those people whose hope of emigrating for a better life elsewhere lies in crossing Sahara desert or the Mediterranean to enter Europe- for such people who are barely meeting their physiological needs in Nigeria, just being able to avoid sleeping under a bridge and being able to mow lawns in America to feed themselves is a dream come true. The five levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs pyramid are 1.Physiological Needs. 2. Safety Needs. 3. Love and Belonging. 4. Esteem and 5.Self-actualization. If you don't fall inside the very top (1.) like the filthy rich with a house in Westminster like Deziani or the very bottom (5.) of the pyramid-like the dirt poor, the abroad might not offer you the same level of contentment or satisfaction that you have in Nigeria, specifically about the needs of Safety, Love and Belonging and Esteem. People at the top of the pyramid already have these three needs that they crave while people at the bottom (still struggling to meet basic physiological needs of food clothing and shelter) don't care about these three needs- they can barely feed themselves. But those who are middle-class like this woman care about things like Belonging and Esteem. For middle-class people with "okay" parents or for professionals who are earning between 1m - 2m in Nigeria or have the potential to do so, your physiological needs are already met in Nigeria so getting anything relating to money, food, clothing and shelter in America or Canada will not bring you much satisfaction or tangible benefits. You already have them in Nigeria. What you are craving is needs 2, 3, and 4, and usually, only in Nigeria can you have these needs met. So know that when you emigrate, it is not to seek happiness or a better life for yourself but for perhaps your children, and even that one is becoming suspect what with the drugs, racism, and whatnot. Only by God's grace will anyone accept you and give you those three needs that you crave - Safety, Love, and Belonging as well as Esteem - with your color after they hear your accent. For the middle class, money is not the issue. It is those three needs. Once you can rent a great apartment and feed yourself well to the extent that you can afford to pay Dstv premium in Nigeria, having more money to rent an apartment and feed yourself in another country won't make you any happier. My sibling is currently facing the same issues in the UK- racism, lack of community, being looked down upon as humanoid, etc. Money is not the issue. She always complains about loneliness and racism but she hangs in there for her kids. So just suck it in and know that emigration for middle-class people is not for your peace and enjoyment or a better life for you. That one is for the dirt poor who don't care about belonging or esteem. At most, emigration for the middle class is for a better life for your children and even this is becoming suspect, especially if the schools your children attend are in poorer neighborhoods with little funding. Drugs everywhere. Only Christ brings satisfaction. Remember that the blessing is on the person and not the location. When God blesses, the blessing will follow you down into the deepest hole, whether you are in Maiduguri or Siberia so put that one first and your hustle will be blessed.”- one user narrated.

@solucheblog •

“But she can easily take the next flight back to Nigeria. I don't subscribe to her living over there and "crying" her eyes out. Come home dear; here, you won't be lonely”.


“I feel like this video should be played on the floor of the

NASS and Senate chamber. Ordinarily, Nigerians would love to stay back at home and perhaps, few, very few can choose to take on the greener-pastures adventure but the economic situation is driven us out in drove. Which way 9ja? I hope she found the needed motivation to carry on”.


“Change is hard. This is a typical response to a difficult change like relocating abroad especially close to the Winter months. It gets better once she starts to integrate and finds a community of Nigerians to plug into. If you're here on Twitter, let's connect. I'd like to support you through this phase. There are many of us here, you shouldn't have to feel alone. Sending love”.

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Osei Gabriel


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