
May 20th , 2024



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Three siblings die after uncle disinfects room against bedbugs

Tragedy struck on December 28, 2023, when 15-year-old Judith Ekua Frans, along with her siblings, 11-year-old Christian Magdaline Efua Frans, and six-year-old Nana Benin, faced a devastating incident during their school holiday visit to their grandmother in Asawase. The family, residing in Pakoso, had come together for what should have been a joyous time.

The unfortunate turn of events unfolded as their uncle, Anthony Frans, was preparing a room for the children's stay. In an attempt to eliminate bedbugs and create a hygienic environment, he used an insecticide known as Toptoxin Fumigation tablet, commonly referred to as a 'bomb.' Little did they know that this routine measure would lead to a heartbreaking outcome.

That fateful night, the three siblings and their 66-year-old grandmother, Ekua Gyaabena, slept in the room that had undergone the fumigation process. The following morning, a grim discovery awaited the family as they found the siblings and their grandmother unconscious in the room. A sense of urgency enveloped the household, and they were swiftly rushed to the hospital.

Tragically, the situation took an immediate toll, with Christian Magdaline Efua Frans and Nana Benin succumbing to the effects of the incident upon their arrival at the hospital. The loss of these two young lives marked a profound and heart-wrenching moment for the family.

Meanwhile, the grandmother, Ekua Gyaabena, and the surviving sibling, Judith Ekua Frans, were admitted to the hospital. Despite the medical attention, the unfolding tragedy continued its relentless course, claiming yet another victim. Judith Ekua Frans, who had initially survived the incident, tragically passed away while still under medical care.

The devastating outcome underscores the unforeseen dangers that can accompany seemingly routine actions, turning what should have been a festive family gathering into a profound and sorrowful event. This tragic incident serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of vigilance and awareness when using household products, even those intended for routine tasks. The grief-stricken family now grapples with the aftermath of this heartbreaking loss, highlighting the fragility of life and the profound impact of unforeseen circumstances.

Meet the Author

Issah Abdul Wadud


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