A year ago
How are you tracking the books you’re reading, have read or will read?
I have recently started to pick up the pace of reading books. At the beginning of this year, I was reading 1 book a month. In the month of August, I’m planning to finish 6 books. I fell in love with reading.
It’s a different type of learning.
Until now I preferred using the video and audio format as the only source of accumulating knowledge. I am overdosing daily on YouTube content and podcasts. I’m constantly learning.
However, I understood that reading books is a different kind of high, a different type of learning.
You are becoming an expert in a small niche.
You are becoming more open-minded and you are starting to see more opportunities. Understanding the value books provided me throughout these 8 months, I started reading more.
My reading list became huge!
I created a Notion page where I was stacking the titles and the authors’ names of the books. I was constantly checking what the book is about, what genre it is, how important is it to me, and so on.
It was such a mess.
Soon enough, I concluded that there are lots of books to read but very little time.
That’s when I realised, I have to organize my reading list.
I was highlighting the books in different colours to plan them for future months. Afterwards, I added the finishing date. Soon enough, I created a Notion template.
In this Notion template, I included the most important features for bookworms like me. It’s a simple table to track down the books you’ve read, are reading, and will read.
Here are the features of my free Notion template —
(If you want to check the features for yourself, go ahead!)
I chose a minimalist style.
Instead of choosing something personal, that only I will find appealing, I decided to stick to something more generic. That everyone will enjoy.
You can customize the table how you want!
You can change the icons of the books to the colourful standard. You can also swap the background image to, for example, a library image. Switch the font style to a serif, making it more “realistic”. Turn on the dark mode, my favourite.
The table consists of 5 tabs.
The main blocks.
Of course, there is the book name block & author’s name block. These are the standard. Also, a “state” property so you can switch the books between tabs: “will read”, “reading” & “read”.
However, every tab has different unique blocks:
This tab is for books that you are planning to read.
One feature that I find extremely useful is the “importance” property. We all have our own tastes for certain books. Sometimes our opinion is based on the ratings of the book, which is a good metric.
Setting an “importance” property, will help decide which books you should read.
Speaking of which,
As I have mentioned, I started reading more.
That’s why I also added the option to choose the months when reading certain books. Adding 1 fiction and 3 non-fiction books to a month is my go-to.
I read on Kindle, that’s why I added the “amazon link” option. When I want to buy the book I press the link and it automatically sends me to the amazon kindle store.
With the “Buy now with 1-click” button, my book is on my Kindle library.
You are finally reading the book!
Is it a “non-fiction” or a “fiction” book? Add the option.
How is your process?
Most importantly, what genre are you reading?
If you are reading “1984” by George Orwell then select the “sci-fi” option. I also added additional genres to describe the book better like funny, writing, life advice, and so on.
You finished the book, congrats!
Place the “finished date”,
So you know the differences between other books’ dates. Also, it’s a good way to track down how much time you read the book.
After reading the book you know better how to describe it, so, select more genres.
Your opinion on the book matters!
Give it a rating.
Be as strict or as tolerant as you want.
It’s your bookshelf.
I added 6 options. A 1 to 5-star rating and also a “lifechanging” option, for — you probably understood.
Not finishing a book is totally fine.
I have lots of books that I haven’t finished, that’s why this tab is also included.
Maybe one day you will return to the book, maybe not.
Until then set the percentage you stopped at and explain why you didn’t finish the book.
Maybe it’s because of the length, and you got tired of it.
Maybe it is boring, like “atomic habits” was for me. I know a lot of people rate it 5/5, however, I didn’t find it interesting. Probably because I already know how to make habits work and stick.
Maybe it is difficult. Reading Nietzsche was too difficult for me. I will return to his books later on.
Maybe it is just bad. Not every book is good, let’s face it.
Last but not least,
An individual page for every book.
Choose between “Non-Fiction” & “Fiction”
Write what it’s about, what you liked or disliked, quotes, notes and many more.
It is the most productive way to optimize your reading list.
It is so comfortable.
Did I find a book? I wrote down the name, author & the link to amazon. I can set books to read for future months. I can give them ratings and suggest them to other people. So many features.
It is very simple to use, most importantly, extremely effective.
It made my life easier.
Here is the link to the template!
It is completely free! (you also have the option to place your own price tag, a great way to support me ?)
Please give it a rating and be honest about it!
I would also love to receive any suggestions on improving it, write to me on twitter.
I suggest entering your email when checking out. So you don’t miss out on updates, I’m constantly improving it. (Lifetime updates!)
Thanks for reading, I hope you find the template useful!
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