
June 26th , 2024



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The alliance between Fella Precious Makafui and Samuel Adu Frimpong known by his stage name Medikal has turned spiteful and currently trending on social media.

According to reports circulating on social media, Fella Makafui and Medikal agreed to go their different ways in January, 2024.

Following the divorce rumor, there’s been several issues and Medikal has decided to let the cat out of the bag.

In a self-recorded video, the rapper disclosed how he funded the process of enhancing the body of Fella Makafui so that she could suitably fit into the brand she promotes.

The actress is alleged to have gone for the body enhancement to help promote flat tummy, weight loss and heavy buttocks products on social media platforms.

Nana Kwame Gyan, the host of Onua FM’s Showbiz, who stepped in for the regular host of Onua FM’s  Adwuma Adwuma show expressed fret over the alleged breakup between Medikal and Fella Makafui.

He felt sorry for the rapper for revealing his family and marital secrets on social media instead of solving the matter amicably.

This was after Fella Makafui released a press release saying that she has decided to use lawful means to address her grievances.

Nana Kwame empathized with the rapper’s account in a viral video.

Medikal, out of pain poured his heart out on social media, saying things that he wasn’t supposed to say.

“Sometimes, men go through a lot, but they don’t talk. Whatever Medikal is saying on social shows clearly that he still loves Fella Makafui,” Nana Kwame Gyan said.

He felt sorry for the rapper for revealing his family and marital secrets on social media instead of solving the matter amicably.

This was after Fella Makafui released a press release saying that she has decided to use lawful means to address her grievances.

Nana Kwame empathized with the rapper’s account in a viral video.

Medikal, out of pain poured his heart out on social media, saying things that he wasn’t supposed to say.

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