
October 18th , 2024



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3 months ago

Rev. Fr. Eugene Asante, a dedicated Catholic priest of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD), is making a remarkable impact by crafting artificial limbs for amputees. Beyond the traditional roles of praying and preaching, Fr. Asante is devoted to serving the community through this unique mission.

In 2021, under the guidance of his superiors, Fr. Asante embarked on a journey to learn the art of making prosthetic limbs. He enrolled at the Brother Tarcisius Prosthetics and Orthotics Training College in Nsawam, located in Ghana's Eastern Region. The college, founded by another SVD priest, Brother Tarcisius de Ruyter, specializes in training individuals to create artificial limbs for those in need.

Upon graduating, Fr. Asante began working with a department of the college that produces these essential prosthetics. For him, this work is more than just a job; it is a calling. He believes that by helping amputees regain their mobility, he is fulfilling his priestly duties in a meaningful way.

Fr. Asante explains, "Even though I'm a Catholic priest, many people know that a Catholic priest is mainly based in the parish. But I'm a Catholic priest who has found myself in this field. I found myself here because this institution was started by an SVD brother called Brother Tarcisius de Ruyter. After him, there has been no SVD who has been able to continue what he started."

Fr. Asante's superiors saw his potential and interest in this field and encouraged him to study prosthetics and orthotics. This decision allowed him to contribute to the continuation of Brother Tarcisius's legacy. 

In addition to his technical work, Fr. Asante plays an essential role as a spiritual leader at the college. He serves as a chaplain, celebrating Mass, offering counseling, and providing spiritual guidance to patients, children, and the staff. His presence is a source of comfort for those who are struggling to accept their new circumstances as amputees. He shares, "Sometimes I counsel and guide patients who are struggling to accept their situation. So, in a way, I’m also sharing in Christ’s ministry."

Fr. Asante's work is a testament to the diverse ways in which religious figures can contribute to society. His dedication to both physical healing and spiritual guidance demonstrates the holistic approach of his vocation. By combining his skills in prosthetics with his spiritual leadership, he embodies a true servant of the community.

Through his actions, Rev. Fr. Eugene Asante is a shining example of how religious figures can transcend traditional roles to meet the needs of their communities. His story is an inspiration to all, highlighting the power of combining faith with service to improve lives and bring hope to those in need.

Meet the Author

Grace Appiah Asare


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