The new US head coach was officially unveiled on Friday, outlining his plans ahead of a crucial period for soccer in the United States.

Mauricio Pochettino gave a good first impression in his first publish appearance as head coach of the United States Men’s National Team.
The Argentine was unveiled as the new head coach at a press conference in New York, alongside US Soccer president Cindy Parlow Cone, sporting director Matt Crockerand CEO JT Batson. But despite Pochettino’s confident, assured performance in front of the world’s press, the event suffered technical issues in the opening stages.
The first few minutes of the press conference were obscured as audio problems prevented those following the USMNT stream from hearing Pochettino’s first words.
“I’m confident that we’ve secured not only the best coach, but the best person to take our program forward,” US Soccer technical director Matt Crocker said in the opening moments of the press conference, shortly before the audio abruptly cut out.
However after those early issues the technical problems were solved and we got a sense of the Pochettino’s plans for USMNT.
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