
September 19th , 2024


Tooka Eric

A day ago


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In a bold move to demand fairness and better working conditions, the Divisional Executive Council (DEC) of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) Division of the Public Services Workers' Union of TUC (Ghana) has declared an indefinite strike action, effective September 18. This nationwide action comes after the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC) allegedly failed to reconvene negotiations, despite a seven-day ultimatum.

At the heart of the dispute lies the union's proposal, submitted in May 2023, which aims to address the plight of NCCE workers. Despite numerous reminders and consultations, the FWSC's lack of progress has frustrated the negotiation process. The union's patience wore thin after the FWSC's September 4 meeting, where it became clear that the commission was employing delay tactics.

Rebecca Colecraft, Divisional Chairperson, expressed the union's resolve to press home their demands. "The current economic hardship, constant erosion of our purchasing power, deplorable working conditions, and unnecessary delays in negotiations have worsened our members' plight. We will not stand idly by while our rights are ignored."

The NCCE Division's struggle began in May 2023 when they submitted proposals to the FWSC. However, the commission's lack of urgency and commitment to negotiations has been evident throughout. On May 6, 2024, the Rules of Engagement for negotiations were discussed, but the FWSC denied the union's request for a timeframe to complete negotiations.

The FWSC's July 23 reconvening of negotiations brought temporary hope, but the September 4 meeting revealed the commission's lack of preparedness. The union sees this as a clear indication of the FWSC's unwillingness to negotiate in good faith.

After exhausting all avenues, the DEC decided to embark on an indefinite strike. This drastic measure aims to compel the FWSC to secure the necessary mandate and reconvene negotiations. The union seeks a conclusive resolution to their proposals, addressing pressing concerns such as economic hardship, erosion of purchasing power, and deplorable working conditions.

The indefinite strike will undoubtedly impact civic education and public services across Ghana. The union urges the public to understand their stance and support their fight for fairness.

"We are not taking this decision lightly, but our members' welfare and rights are paramount. We urge all stakeholders to pressure the FWSC to return to negotiations with a genuine commitment to resolving our concerns."

As the strike continues, the NCCE Division remains resolute in their demands. The FWSC must recognize the urgency of the situation and take concrete steps to address the union's concerns.

The Ghanaian public, civil society organizations, and labor unions must rally behind the NCCE Division. Together, they can push for meaningful change and improved working conditions.

The NCCE Division's indefinite strike serves as a stark reminder of the struggles public service workers face. Their determination to secure fairness and better working conditions should inspire solidarity and support.

As the situation unfolds, it remains crucial to stay informed and advocate for the rights of these dedicated public servants.

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Tooka Eric


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