
October 3rd , 2024



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18 hours ago

What Do You Have?.

I woke up around 2am this dawn and I was in fellowship with the Holy Spirit of God, then today’s daily dew drop came. To build understanding, this write-up requires your heart and mind in reading. After reading, meditate on it and do pray the suggested prayers. Let me ask you, What do you have in your hands?

Matt.25.15 - “To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey.”

The above passage is a parable Christians popularly call the “Parable of the Talents”. The parable is was likened to the Kingdom of Heaven( a man) traveling into a far country, who called his servants and delivered unto them goods. Each servant received different measures of the goods and we later learn that it was because their individual abilities differed. Some made good use of their goods/ talents and the master was happy. Others did not and invoked the wrath of the master.

our focus will be on the second sentence of the scripture above ,” each according to his abilities”.  The original word used in the passage translates to “dunamis”, an inward built energy. As the passage encourages us to make good use of our gifts, talents and whatever our hands find doing, let’s realize that before our master, the Lord God Almighty gives us anything, He gives us according to our abilities. 

In Psalm 127:3 we learn that children are gifts from God. In Luke 1:30-31, God chose a young girl who was betrothed to a young man to give this gift to. Above all the other prophecies that surrounded the birth of Jesus Christ, God found Mary worthy. He saw her ability and gave her Jesus. How many women would nature a child and let him live as a threat to society, always being sought after to be killed?. How many mothers have the ability to endure the pain of watching their 33 year old son die a shameful death?. Yes she knew He was a child of Promise, that does not in any way negate the fact that she was his mother. 

ABILITIES. What do you have in your hand? What are you capable of doing and doing well? What can God look on to give that gift you so desire?

There is an inbuilt potential,  untapped. Look deep within yourself before you ask for gifts. In His mercy, He might take you on a journey to help you build such capacities. When He does blessed are you. It is however heartbreaking when you’re unyielding to the trainings neither are you capable enough for the gift you desire. Eventually if care is not taken, you’ll live in the illusion of unanswered prayers.

“ No matter how bad a 3 year old baby cries to ride a jet, a reasonable father will not grant the child the request. God knows how to give good gifts to His children. Especially the ones that will not destroy them.”

Pray with me.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for giving me abilities. Help me find them and make them useful. Lord, if there is anything I’m asking of you that is not in my abilities, by your kind mercies, help me build such competencies so that I’ll be useful at the task you’ll later place in my hand. In Jesus name, Amen.

Meet the Author

Emmanuella Owusu


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