
October 15th , 2024



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9 hours ago

Love Of Money

1Tim.6.10 -( For the love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. )

Money is good. Almost every activity in this mortal realm requires money. “Money answers all things” Eccl 10:19-20.  Note that the scripture (1Timothy 6:10)didn’t say “Money” is evil, but the love of it is capable of leading people to do all kinds of evil. This topic is one of the most controversial topics in the Bible. Extremist preach only suffering as Christians or money above all else in the Kingdom as though Money is the gospel. Don’t get me wrong, money is good! And the Lord wants us to have lots of it and rule over it not the other way round. 

When the Lord said the Love of Money is the root of all evil, many have interpreted this to mean that God wants people to be poor, lazy, wretched etc. on the contrary God has for all believers the direct opposite of the mentioned attributes. Study the scriptures carefully, which of the patriarchs were poor? God is not poor and needy and He does not intend to make us such. 

So this  in no way suggests slothfulness and laziness. It should rather make you check your heart to know how far you’re willing to go for money vs for God, then you’ll know who you love. Meanwhile, Loving God is a command not a suggestion.


God is not teaching us to despise riches or hard work. The reason we cannot “love” money is because God desires that same attention, sacrifice, availability etc that our love for money will demand from us. So in Matthew 6:24, Jesus says a person cannot serve God and Money. But wait, we’re not talking about service here, we just want to make money no matter what it takes. Yep, that’s serving right there.

In Ephesians 3:18, we’re introduced to the dimensions of love; length, breadth, height and depth. Ask yourself this question, how far, long, wide and deep are you will to go to get money?Are you willing to do the same for God because you love him? Many people will do so many things to get money and would not do so much for God. It is very okay to desire money. But if it takes you from God, it has taken you from the path of light and leading you towards doom. What controls your activities? God or Money?

How far can you go for money? Yeah, that lust there is root that can grow into all kinds of evil. You can stay all night at work because you want promotion can you stay with God that long? You see you’re trying so hard to find logical reasons to fight this?

The Love of money is the root of all evil, the first evil is breaking the commandment; thou shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind(Matt 22:37)

Does money have your heart, soul and mind? Before you say no, check these.

1. What do you think about the most?

2. ⁠How far is too far when it comes to money?

3. ⁠Where are your treasures? What do you see as treasure? For where your treasure is there your heart is also. 


How can I get money and not love it?

See you next time 

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Emmanuella Owusu


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