4 months ago
Song.1.2 - Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth- for your love is more delightful than wine. Song.3.5 - "Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, by the swift gazelles and the deer of the wild, not to awaken love until the time is right. "
Love is one of the most talked about subjects in our current world. We’re a generation that adores love especially , Eros (Romance/Sexual) love. The kind of Love that is more intimate and self giving. It is this form of love gives us the urge to be sexually intimate.
Over the years we have discovered that love has a language. A medium of communication just as everyone has a language they speak and understand. The truth is we all desire to be spoken to in the language we understand and can speak. It is same for love. Love is Love when we are loved the way we desire to be loved. The best way two lovers can stay lovers is to communicate love the way that the partner prefers to express love to—and receive it from—a partner.
There are five known Love Languages.
Words of affirmation: People whose primary love language is words of affirmation will most likely like love to be expressed to them in the form of spoken word, praise, compliments, cute texts etc.
Quality time: As the name goes, spending time with your beloved. It goes a long way to paying attention to them when talking, turning off the television, paying attention to little details when you’re with your partner. It’s about spending time in quality and meaningful ways.
Physical touch: This has widely been confused to mean merely having sex or having sexual intimacy. Whiles that is part, physical touch is also holding hands, wrapping hands around the shoulders, cuddling etc. This language should be a widely spoken by married couples. The Christian must be sexually pure.
Acts of service: Some people will never feel loved if they’re never assisted in carrying out assignments. Those whose primary love language is acts of service will see love as helping with dishes, meals, take home assignments etc
Receiving gifts: This is the most easiest to understand because one major mark of love is giving. When God loved, He gave.( John 3:16)
The relationship of the Church and Christ is not merely “a deity-servant “ relationship. It is a Love affair. Countless times God has demonstrated love to all of us in our unique love languages. He has given to us what we asked, affirmed our beauty, touched us during worship/ prayer sessions, fought battles for us without our notice, not necessarily the same with all mankind. He attends to us in our uniqueness. Maybe that’s why we respond to Him in very unique but similar expressions.
The sad reality is, many of us want to love God in our own way, with our own love language when He has clearly stated how He wants to be loved. He said in John 14:15, Love me by Keeping my Commandments. It is not that we don’t know this about God but we weigh the pleasure and comfort it will somewhat demand from us, and we withdraw and love God the way we want to: go to church, give the way we want to , etc. We keep some of the commandments and leave some. We edit the commandments to suite our design. Meanwhile help is available to us if we really want to love God wholly the way He wants to be loved. We just need to be willing and ask for help from the Holy Spirit.
What is the primary Love Language of God? It is not just sacrifice, it is OBEDIENCE. The Love language of God is Obedience. Doing exactly what He’s told you to do with the help He provides.
John 14:15… if you love me keep my commandments. Don’t think about just the 10 commandments. It’s not about laws.
The What are the commandments of God?
Thank you Lord for this opportunity to love you. Teach me today about your commandments.
In Jesus name
Total Comments: 5
Such a beautiful masterpiece
Great master piece and a good channel of sharing the good word of God
Great piece
God Bless You