
March 6th , 2025



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Once Saved Forever Saved - My Understanding.

Once saved forever saved is the idea that once a believer is saved, that he or she has accepted Jesus Christ to be their Lord and personal savior, they can never ever lose their salvation and will make it to Heaven no matter what. Another name given to this belief is the  Hyper Grace Message.

The once Saved Forever Saved belief though Biblical is being preached to extremities by the proponents of this belief.

It is true that salvation is eternal. It is called the finished work of Christ and it is up to the Believer to believe and be saved. In Titus 3:5 we understand that salvation does not come by works of righteousness, indicating that it is God's choice and mercy by which we are saved. If works of Righteousness brought us salvation, then we could lose our salvation by iniquity but we aren't saved by works and neither shall we lose our salvation by works.

In Romans 8:33 - 35, Paul makes it abundantly clear that nothing can separate us from His love and from His saving power.

The reason Once Saved Forever Saved belief is frowned upon is because most Christians see it as an excuse to keep on living in sin which Paul condemns saying "Shall we continue in sin since grace abounds? Certainly not"

Paul said we are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, which means with reverence for the eternal gift of salvation we have received.

The truly saved Christian will shun sin. He will hate sin. He will love to live in accordance with God's will. He will do that because he loves God and because scripture says if we love Him, we will obey his commandments.

I believe there must be a balance when preaching the Once saved forever saved gospel. 

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Rauf Mohammed

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