9 hours ago
Hey mama… can we talk about something that’s probably been keeping you up at night? You know that feeling when being a mom is already running you ragged, but there’s something else going on too? Maybe you’ve got that ADHD diagnosis tucked in your back pocket, or maybe you’re here because you’re wondering why “normal” mom life feels like climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops. Either way, I’m so glad you found your way here.
Listen, ADHD mom burnout is a whole different beast. It’s not just that “I need more coffee” tired (though trust me, I get that too). It’s that bone-deep exhaustion that shows up before you’ve even gotten the kids’ breakfast ready. But here’s what I really want you to hear: understanding why your brain works the way it does? That’s the first step to finding some breathing room in this chaos.
So let’s get real about what’s actually happening here, why it feels SO different from regular mom fatigue, and what you can actually DO about it. (And I promise, I’m not gonna tell you to “just make a schedule” or “try harder” - because ugh, we’ve all heard enough of that.)
Defining ADHD Mom Burnout
You know how everyone talks about mom life being exhausting? Well, throw ADHD into that mix and it’s like… next level. We’re talking about that feeling where your brain has 47 tabs open, they’re all playing different songs, and you can’t find the mute button. It’s when simple stuff like getting through a load of laundry feels like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube underwater.
Picture this: You’re trying to get the kids ready for school (which is already like herding cats), but you can’t find your keys (again), the permission slip that was “right there” has vanished, and your brain keeps ping-ponging between “Did I pack their lunch?” and “Wait, what was that really important thing I was supposed to do today?” Meanwhile, the mental load of ALL. THE. THINGS. keeps getting heavier and heavier.
If you’re sitting there thinking “How did she just describe my entire life?”… first, virtual fist bump because girl, I get it. Second, you’re so not alone in this. This isn’t just regular mom burnout wearing a fancy hat - it’s its own unique challenge, and it deserves its own unique solutions
Let’s break down some of the big reasons why ADHD makes motherhood even more challenging. Understanding these factors can help you see why this isn’t about failing or being “lazy” (those thoughts need to go!)…it’s about having different needs and finding ways to work with them.
The Struggle with Executive Functioning
You know all those “little things” we’re supposed to juggle as moms? (Ha! Little… right.) Getting tiny humans fed, dressed, and somewhere on time. Remembering which kid has a doctor’s appointment and who needs new shoes. Oh, and maybe attempting to tackle that mountain of laundry that’s over in the corner.
Here’s the thing: ADHD messes with your brain’s command center (fancy term: executive functioning). It’s like trying to be an air traffic controller when half your screens keep glitching out.
One of my clients put it perfectly: “I finally get the kids’ breakfast ready, turn around to grab my coffee, and… poof! No idea where I put it. And don’t even get me started on meal planning. I’ve got lists on my phone, lists on the fridge, lists in my purse - none of which actually make it to the grocery store with me.” Sound familiar?
Emotional and Sensory Overload
And then there’s the sensory stuff. ADHD brains are like super-powered receivers - picking up EVERY. SINGLE. SIGNAL.
Picture this: You’re trying to help with homework (focus level: maximum), while your toddler’s asking for a snack (again), the TV’s blaring Bluey for the 47th time today, and the dryer’s buzzing reminding you it needs folded. For ADHD moms, this isn’t just annoying - it’s like your brain is running a marathon in a thunderstorm.
As another mom told me: “It’s not just noise - it’s like every sound, every mess, every ‘Mom! Mom! Mom!’ is physically poking my brain. And there’s no volume button, no pause, no mute.” (I felt that in my soul.)
Need a lifeline for those moments when everything feels like TOO MUCH?
I created the 5-Minute Reset Guide specifically for ADHD moms who need quick, actually doable ways to catch their breath. No meditation cushion required (because who has time for that?). Just real strategies you can use right now, even with a kid hanging off your leg.
Grab your free guide below. Because you deserve tools that work for YOUR brain, not someone else’s idea of what “should” work.
Let’s talk about that fun little ADHD quirk where your brain only has two settings: “I’m gonna reorganize the entire house RIGHT NOW” or “Why even bother?” (Anyone else?) This perfectionism thing? It’s like having an overachieving drill sergeant living in your head who doesn’t understand the concept of “good enough.”
One minute you’re ready to tackle ALL the things (hello, 12am planning session!), and the next you’re completely overwhelmed because… well, ALL the things. And then that little voice creeps in: “Other moms seem to handle this just fine…” (Spoiler: They’re probably not handling it “just fine” either.)
Okay, let’s get into the good stuff - actual strategies that work for ADHD brains. No “just make a schedule” or “try harder” nonsense here. These are real solutions for real moms who sometimes forget they’re holding their phone while using their phone’s flashlight to look for their phone. (Just me?)
1. Prioritize Energy Management Over Time Management
Forget what you’ve heard about time management (seriously, throw it out the window). Instead, let’s work with your ADHD brain’s natural energy flows:
High Energy Hours = Big Stuff
The “Task-Cycle” Thing That Actually Works
Related Reading: How to Create a Simple Morning Routine That Works for Burnt-Out Moms
Listen, I know you want to transform your entire life overnight. (Been there, bought the planners, still can’t find them.) But here’s what actually works:
Tiny Goals That Don’t Scare Your Brain
Flexible-ish Routines
Because we all know if we can’t see it, it doesn’t exist in ADHD land:
Memory Helpers That Actually Help
Your “Nope, Can’t Deal” Space
Related Reading: Declutter Your Mind: How to Organize Thoughts When Life Gets Overwhelming
This might be the hardest part, but it’s crucial:
Ditch the “All or Nothing” Drama
ADHD Mom Mantras That Don’t Make You Roll Your Eyes
Try these:
Related Reading: Self-Compassion in Motherhood: Nurturing Resilience and Healing from Overwhelm
Listen mama, we need to talk about something bigger than just getting through today. We need to talk about keeping your battery charged for the long haul. Because here’s the truth: ADHD moms need different kinds of support, and it’s time to stop apologizing for that.
Boundaries aren’t just about saying “no” to others—they’re about saying “yes” to what you truly need. They’re not just another thing on your to-do list. They’re your secret weapon for keeping your sanity.
We need to talk about that people-pleasing thing. You know, where you somehow end up organizing the school bake sale, hosting playgroup, AND volunteering for that committee… all while your ADHD brain is screaming “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”
Here’s your permission slip: You can say no. Actually, you NEED to say no. Because every time you say yes to something that drains you, you’re saying no to something that could recharge you.
Try This: Pick ONE thing this week that you’ll say no to. Just one. Maybe it’s that PTA meeting that always leaves you exhausted. Or that playdate with the mom who drains your energy faster than your phone battery. (You know the one.)
Remember that feeling when you’re rushing from work to pickup to soccer practice, and your brain feels like scrambled eggs? Yeah, we’re gonna fix that.
Create little pockets of breathing room between activities. I’m talking 10-15 minutes where you just… exist. No planning, no organizing, no “being productive.” Just you, maybe some music, maybe some silence, maybe just staring into space while drinking something hot. (Novel concept, right?)
Here’s something they don’t tell you about ADHD mom life: It can feel lonely AF. Especially when it seems like everyone else is juggling all the things while you’re still looking for your keys. (They’re in your hand. Again.)
Connect with Other ADHD Moms or Support Groups
Finding other ADHD moms is like finding people who speak your language. They get why you showed up to school pickup 30 minutes early (because you were convinced you were running late). They understand why you have 17 half-finished projects and why you bought another planner (this one will totally work!).
Where to find them:
Consider Therapy or Coaching for ADHD Support
Listen, therapy or coaching isn’t admitting defeat - it’s like getting a GPS for your brain. Someone who gets ADHD and can help you navigate this whole mom thing? Game changer.
Here’s the deal: I work with ADHD moms just like you. No judgment, no “just try harder,” no cookie-cutter solutions. Just real strategies for real life, where sometimes the win of the day is remembering both shoes AND socks.
In our work together, we’ll:
Ready to stop feeling like you’re always running on empty? Let’s chat. Because you deserve support that gets you AND your ADHD brain.
Read a Bit More About What Mom Life Coaching Entails: Coaching for Moms Explained: How a Mom Life Coach Can Transform Your Life
CLICK HERE for more information on my Mom Life Coaching Packages
Real talk, mama: ADHD mom burnout is no joke. It’s not “just tired,” it’s not “just overwhelmed,” and it’s definitely not something you should have to white-knuckle through alone.
Here’s what I really want you to take away.
The Good News? You’ve Got Options:
And here’s the thing that makes my heart do a little happy dance: By taking care of YOU, you’re teaching your kids something amazing. You’re showing them it’s okay to have limits, to ask for help, and to take care of themselves. How’s that for a plot twist? Your ADHD “struggles” are actually modeling self-care for the next generation!
Listen, you don’t have to figure this out alone. (And honestly? Why should you?) I’ve got your back, and I’d love to show you how we can work together to bring some calm to the chaos.
Let’s hop on a FREE call - just you, me, and probably some interruptions from tiny humans (because #reallife). We’ll talk about where you’re at, where you want to be, and how to get there without losing your mind in the process.
Click below to grab your spot. (And don’t worry - I’ll send you reminders because… well, you know why 😉)
Here’s to Hitting Reset with Compassion and Confidence,
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) – ADHD Symptoms and Diagnosis
CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) – ADHD and Executive Function
ADDitude Magazine – What is ADHD Burnout and How Can You Prevent It?
Psychology Today – ADHD and the Challenges of Parenthood
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