
October 18th , 2024



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The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) has indicated that there are several untapped investment prospects in the Upper West Region that might be profiled and promoted to the local and international investment markets.


"If you look at the many resources that the region possesses, I feel there are a lot more that haven't been captured," the GIPC added.




Mr Edward Ashong-Lartey, the GIPC's Director of Investor Services, stated this in Wa on Tuesday during a sensitization session for the general public, the business community, and the region's Municipal and District Assemblies (MDAs) on the GIPC's operations and ways forward.

The GIPC is conducting a countrywide public awareness campaign to help businesses and the general public understand the center's purpose and activities, as well as discover business prospects that may be promoted for investment.


The sensitization drew over 120 individuals, including businessmen, officials from several MDAs, and members of the public.




Despite the various enterprises and investment opportunities in the region, Mr Ashong-Lartey stated that just five businesses have registered and profited from the GIPC since 1994.

He stated that the center was in charge of promoting and coordinating both international and domestic investments in Ghana's economy.


He urged the companies to work with the GIPC's business development professionals to help them highlight particular business ideas that they might pitch to investors.




Mr. Ashong-Lartey commented, "There is a lot of interest within the business community in the region, the resources are there, and there are eager entrepreneurs here, so together we can strive to promote what the region has to offer."

Mr Mohammed Abdul-Mumin, the Ghana Enterprise Agency's (GEA) Upper West Regional Director, stated the GIPC primarily supported limited liability companies, and that most firms in the region were single proprietorships, therefore they were unable to profit from the GIPC.


"In order for a firm to expand, it must go beyond the capacity of a single person." You must make room for others to collaborate with you. He said that the collaboration will "raise jobs and national incomes."




Mr Abdul-Mumin advised companies and residents in the region to take advantage of the GIPC's business development opportunities.

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Emmanuel Amoabeng Gyebi

Content writer

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