
July 27th , 2024


Nana Kay

2 years ago


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2 years ago

Dr. Thomas Anabah, Executive Director of the Africa Centre for Health Policy Research and Analysis, has charged the Ghana Health Service and the Ministry of Health with procuring vaccinations for the treatment of H3N2 influenza in the country.


According to him, Ghana presently does not have a single influenza vaccination.




"Health managers must begin hunting for vaccinations to help prevent the sickness from spreading farther across the country," he added.




He stated that influenza has been widespread in the West African subregion for years, but that the government has been unable to obtain immunizations to combat the sickness.

He went on to say that while there are vaccinations available to treat the condition, Ghana as a country does not have one.


He emphasized that the condition is curable, but that vaccinations, such as the Covid-19 immunizations, are not easily available in the country.




He urged GHS management and the Ministry of Health to launch an aggressive drive to procure vaccinations for the disease's treatment.




"Vaccines for the treatment of the illness are available in Europe and the Americas, despite the fact that outbreaks are not as widespread as in the West African sub-region."

Dr. Anabah made the statement while appearing on Accra 100.5 FM's 6:00 a.m. news on Thursday, June 9, 2022, in response to an epidemic of H3N2 influenza in various second-cycle schools across the country.


At a news briefing on Wednesday in Accra, the Director-General of the Ghana Health Service, Dr Patrick Kumah Abaogye, stated that around 3,470 samples of H3N2 influenza had been collected, with 773 cases confirmed to be H3N2 influenza in Ghana.

Dr. Anabah made the comment on Thursday, June 9, 2022, on Accra 100.5 FM's 6:00 a.m. broadcast, in reaction to an H3N2 influenza outbreak at several second-cycle schools around the country.


Dr Patrick Kumah Abaogye, Director-General of the Ghana Health Service, announced during a news conference on Wednesday in Accra that roughly 3,470 samples of H3N2 influenza had been collected, with 773 cases confirmed to be H3N2 influenza in Ghana.

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Nana Kay


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