
October 19th , 2024



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KNUST has begun the process of forming a climate change working group, which will bring together all of the university's teams and individuals working on climate change concerns.


Despite the fact that there are several teams and organizations exploring various areas of climate change, their efforts are not coordinated, which means they do not benefit from synergies across the various teams.




The KNUST climate change working group program acknowledges the need to bring these academics and teams together to build interdisciplinary research teams that can approach climate change concerns from a variety of angles, much as they would in real-world scenarios.




The KNUST Climate Change Working Group will bring together university experts, industry actors, government and policymakers to collaborate and discover answers to the problem of climate change.   the negative consequences of climate change, as well as the possibilities that a changing environment may provide.




The University has been working on forming the working group and has a draft climate change policy being examined by the University with help from DANIDA's Building Stronger Universities (BSU III) phase.

The KNUST Climate Change Research Group's mission is to provide evidence-based knowledge to solve climate concerns, strengthen the University's commitment to developing climate-friendly curricula, and manage the university's operations and investments.


The Climate Change Working Group at KNUST has been established.


Through its reports, the Working Group will assist KNUST in reducing energy use, increasing renewable energy usage, exploring novel ways to minimize direct and indirect emissions, and demonstrating the value of climate solutions.




In addition, the Working Group's recommendations will encourage KNUST to keep working to better understand and implement methods that will lower our carbon footprint.




The working group's six (6) key areas will include climate drivers, hazards, and opportunities.  The working group will concentrate on promoting climate change opportunities as a strategy of adaptation with mitigation advantages.


Prof. Ellis Owusu-Dabo, Pro Vice-Chancellor, is pleased with the effort, which he sees as critical to the University's achievement of SDG 13.




He believes that in the end, the country will benefit.




"We did incredibly well in SDG 1, we did well in SDG 4, and we performed quite well in SDG 7, but we did not do well in SDG 13. As a result, your meeting, as well as the research group and policy direction group, is quite timely.






"It's notable and encouraging that you want to support a goal that will eventually lead to a research policy and strategy," says the author.

Meet the Author

Emmanuel Amoabeng Gyebi

Content writer

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