
June 2nd , 2024



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A year ago

The people who have been routinely perusing my segments would recall my irregular requires the renunciation or potentially the brief expulsion of Mr. Kenneth Kuntunkununku Ofori-Atta as Finance Minister, since Mr. Martin A B K Amidu uncovered the unpleasant underside of the notorious Agyapa Heritage Investment Scandal in the runup to the 2020 Presidential Election. This plainly unpardonable and unreasonable trick might just host cost the decision New Patriotic Get-together its until now entirely agreeable parliamentary larger part. Indeed, almost two years after the fact, I actually keep up with a similar position, despite the fact that I have likewise been particularly mindful of the way that it wouldn't be a cakewalk to have the President speedily and quickly take any action on this front.


Then, at that point, likewise, I have been pondering whatever happened to the post of either the Strategist or Monitor of Ministerial and Executive Performance at the Presidency. In any event, to the creative mind, or the contemptible deficiency in that department, and the reasoning of other Akufo-Addo Administration pundits, I am not in any way shape or form fixated or stricken with the walker thought of the occasional reshuffling of bureau and chief representatives as a standard strategy or schedule, besides in specific self-evident and outrageous cases, like the favorable and opportune expulsion of Mr. Boakye Agyarko, the at some point Presidential Campaign Manager of the then-Candidate Akufo-Addo and the previous Energy Minister, in the seismic wake of the shameful report on his obviously criminal fudging of legally binding reimbursement figures in the scandalous and right now disturbed Mahama-contracted AMERI-Deal energy supply trick.

All things considered, it's a given that Ghanaians were presented to exactly the same case situation in the question of the Agyapa Heritage Mineral Investment Scandal; thus, it isn't obvious to me unequivocally what he implies, when the Almighty Tweedle-Dee, Tweedle-Dum wryly guarantees that his completely and outrageously and mentally bankrupt more youthful twin sibling is the true Prime Minister of the Akufo-Administration, similarly that the now-Speaker Alban S K Bagbin once portrayed Mr. Stanley Xoese Dogbe as the true President of the past Mahama system, declares that the Finance Minister has been "imaginative" in his administration of the nation's economy and that, as opposed to require his quick ouster or expulsion, by far most of the Ghanaian populace would be vastly improved tossing their full weight behind this Akufo-Addo brother and exceptionally close partner who has been stringently blasted as an unavoidable debacle that has been in the works starting from the commencement of the Akufo-Addo Administration.


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