
May 13th , 2024


Dean Smith

A year ago


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2020: A Year of Great Leaps for Humanity 


 Here are a variety of incredible space launches to look forward to in 2020


 If we're going to send things into space, we're going to do it right. 2020 will kick off the decade with a multitude of incredible launches, including but not limited to: 


 1) When the Moon Meets Your Eye: Recently, NASA made bold and bold plans to send humans into... mapped territory. That's right, we're going back to the moon, and this time we mean business! Project Artemis (if you're curious about the name, the Greek goddess Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo, the moon god himself) is NASA's plan to send humans to the surface of the moon, bring them back to Earth, and a few more too do times.Over the years, we should gain enough experience and 

 tests to qualify for the big red prize in the sky: Mars. 


 While NASA isn't going to send humans to the moon yet, this year it will be testing the Space Launch System, which is a very boring and bureaucratic name for the largest rocket ever built. 


 Oh, did I mention the Chinese are sending their fifth Chang'e lander to the moon, the one designed to bring a sample back to Earth, the first we've done as a species since the Soviets in 1976? ? Yes, they don't play. 


 2) How about the top view?The United States has not sent its own astronauts from American soil since the Space Shuttle was decommissioned in 2011. Over the past decade, people traveling into space have had to buy tickets for Soyuz capsules launched from Kazakhstan at increasingly higher prices. This awkward situation has a great chance of ending this year, as both SpaceX and Boeing are in the final stages of testing their mannable spacecraft, which will be outfitted with the appropriate space-age names 

: SpaceX has the Dragon, while Boeing is opting for decided the Starliner . 


 Who knows if this will actually happen in 2020 as both companies (and NASA) have struggled with delays and underfunding of this program for several years. But sooner or later it has to happen, doesn't it?

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Dean Smith

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