
June 2nd , 2024



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A year ago

The Chief Imam of the Republic of Ghana, Sheik Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu, has given extraordinary supplications and beatitudes to the recently chosen Chief Executive Officer of the New Patriotic Party, Lawyer Justin Kodua Frimpong for a fruitful residency in the following four (4) years.


The Chief Imam said the exceptional petitions when Lawyer Justin Kodua Frimpong and his group paid a graciousness approach the Chief Imam to offer his significant thanks for the profound help the Chief Imam offered him in the equitable finished challenge for the place of the General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party.


The General Secretary was grateful and thankful that despite the fact that he approached the Chief Imam just before the decisions, the respected church made sure to him the required help to get his offered.


Attorney Kodua vowed to serve the New Patriotic Party and the whole Ghanaian people group magnanimously to his best capacity and to the greatest advantage of all. He likewise guaranteed working in close joint effort with the Chief Imam's office and the public authority apparatus to extend improvement open doors for the Zongo Communities.


Boss Imam then again guaranteed nonstop help in petitions for the progress of the youthful dynamic boss copyist of the NPP for his residency in office.


He was joined by certain individuals from his mission group, electorate chiefs and a large group of different dignitaries.



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The recently chosen public leaders of the decision New Patriotic Party (NPP) have paid a graciousness approach ex-President John Agyekum Kufuor.


During the call, the previous President charged the leaders to really buckle down in breaking the eight during the 2024 general races.


They guaranteed him of their assurance to satisfy hopes.


The leaders were chosen a couple of days prior at the party's Annual Delegates Conference which saw the social event of thousands of party delegates.

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George Trends

Content writer

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