
February 18th , 2025


POP Official

2 years ago


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1.   Within the switch statement, the …. Clause can contain one or more statements to be executed when the selected expression does not match any of the …. Clauses.

a.    Case, default

b.   Break, case

c.    Default, case

d.   If, else

2.   A pretest loop and protest loop produce the same results; they just use different methods.

a.    True

b.   false

3.   a stream is defined in c++ as a sequence of  numeric valves

a.    true

b.   false

4.   A processing items in an IPO chart represents an intermediate value that the algorithm uses when processing the input into the output.

a.    True

b.   False

5.   With whom should a programmer have an extensive interaction before converting a solution to problem into a computer program?

a.    System engineer

b.   Compiler vender

c.    Language developer

d.   User

6.   Which stream manipulator can be used to advance the cursor to the next line on the computer screen?

a.    Cout

b.   Cin

c.    endl

d.   endline

7.   Which symbol in flowchart is known as the decision symbol?

a.    Diamond

b.   Parallelogram

c.    Oval

d.   Rectangle

8.   A key word is a word that has special meaning in the programing language you are using.

a.    True

b.   False

9.   A variable is a memory location whose valve can change during routine.

a.    True

b.   False

10.                    With what type of program does the programmer focus on structures that represent screen elements such as check boxes and buttons or structures that represent real world items such as an employee or time card?

a.    Machine language

b.   Object-oriented

c.    Procedure-oriented

d.   Assemble language

11.                    With a do while statement, the looping condition indicates the requirement for the ….. the loop body instructions.

a.    Exiting

b.   Repeating

c.    Reversing

d.   Printing

12.                    Which type of structure makes decision based on one or more conditions?

a.    Iteration

b.   Question

c.    Looping

d.   Selection

13.                    Which structure do you use every time you drive your car and approach an intersection?


a.    Iteration

b.   Sequence

c.    Repeating 

d.   Selection

14.                    Which symbol is used in C++ for the logical and operator?

a.    ||

b.   &&

c.    %

d.   @


15.                    Which type of structure do all programs use?

a.    Sequence

b.   Selection

c.    Repetition

d.   Variable

16.                    Which two c++ statement can be used to code pretest loops

a.    For, while

b.   If, while

c.    Switch, if

d.   For, switch

17.                    A common error made when writing selection structures is to reverse the decisions made by the outer and nested structures.

a.    True

b.   False

18.                    You need to consider all information when analyzing a problem, even if it is unnecessary to the solution.

a)   True

b)  False

19.                    The repeating structure has a true path and a false path.

a.    True

b.   False

20.                    Comparison operators are used to compare two values with differing data types.

a.    True

b.   False 

21.                    When naming a memory location in c++, names are not case sensitive.

a.    True

b.   False

22.                    The data type of the value in a case clause within a switch statement must be compatible with the data type of which of the following?

a.    Else clause

b.   SelectorExpression

c.    If statement

d.   DefaultExpression 

23.                    By default in c++, smaller real numbers with a decimal place( those containing six or fewer digits to the left of the decimal) are displayed in exponential notation.

a.    True

b.   False

24.                    The value 29 is considered a double.

a.    True

b.   False 

25.                    The reason why high-level languages were a vast improvement over machin e language and assemble languages is because they allow the programmer to use instructions that more closely resemble the English language.

a.    True

b.   False

26.                    In a computer program, which type of logic structure directs the computer to process the program instructions one after another, in the order listed in the program?

a.    Variable

b.   Repetition

c.    Selection

d.   Sequence

27.                    There are two digits in the machine language.

a.    True

b.   False

28.                    In a pseudocode algorithm, what part of language should each instruction begin with?

a.    Article

b.   Verb

c.    Adverb

d.   Noun

29.                    In a repeating structure, what is the requirement for repeating instruction called?

a.    Infinite loop

b.   Sentinel value

c.    Looping condition

d.   Exit condition

30.                    Explicit type conversion is accomplished in c++ with which of the following operators?

a.    Convert

b.   Static-cast

c.    Type-cast

d.   Explicit

31.                    In for statement, which argument or arguments are required?

a.    Initialization

b.   Initialization and update

c.    Initialization and condition

d.   condition


32.                    Identifiers can have space.

a.    True

b.   False

33.                    if the value’s data type does not match the memory location’s data type, what process does the computer use to convert the value to fit the memory location?

a.    truncation

b.   implicit type conversion

c.    rounding

d.   explicit type conversion

34.                    Float and double are related to …. data type.

a.    void

b.   integral

c.    fixed

d.   floating

35.                    If the default clause is the last clause in a switch statement, what statement is required after the default clause?

a.    a case statement

b.   an exit statement

c.    no statement is required

d.   a break statement

36.                    In a pretest loop, what initializes the loop condition by providing its first value?

a.    update read

b.   none of the above

c.    sentinel value

d.   priming read

37.                    floats and double perform the same function.

a.    true

b.   false

38.                    In a pretest loop , what should you include to ensure that there is way to enter the sentinel value after the loop body instructions are process the first time?

a.    priming read

b.   update read

c.    trip value

d.   trailer value

39.                    If there is not default clause in a switch statement and no match is found, what happens ?

a.    the program execution is terminated

b.   an error code is generated

c.    the program loops to the beginning of the switch statement

d.   the instruction after the closing  brace is executed

40.                    Float precision is larger than double.

a.    true

b.   false



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POP Official

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