
July 27th , 2024


Nana Kay

A year ago


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A year ago

In order to serve customers in both the official and informal sectors, CalBank PLC opened its 35th branch in Bolgatanga, the Upper Region's capital.

At the event last Thursday, the bank's managing director, Philip Owiredu, said it was thrilling that the bank had expanded its services and products to northern Ghana after entering the retail banking market.

We want to continue with the branch growth program to scale up the bank's branches to roughly 40, he said, adding that the bank, which began operations 35 years ago, has begun spreading its footprint to other regions of the country.

The building of other branches is now under way, and once those projects are finished, we will be able to open the remaining branches and start providing banking services to the public.

According to Mr. Owiredu, financial services had a significant influence on the local economy, and the bank decided it was smart to build a new branch in Bolgatanga to assist the expansion and improvement of the regional economy.

Adding that "as a bank, we will provide the needed support to all categories of persons to boost the local economy," he stated that the bank was in the regional capital to collaborate with the people to enhance financial inclusion for their mutual benefit.

Despite the fact that there are many other banks in the area, the new branch was opened, according to Peter Fordjor, Group Head of Consumer and Retail Banking at CalBank PLC, largely to offer essential services to consumers.

He added that since women owned more than 40 percent of businesses in the country, the bank has set up a specialized unit to support the growth of women-owned businesses, stressing that “we do this through capacity building to expose them to digital tools and services to enable them expand their businesses”.

distinctive goods

Rex Asanga, the Municipal Chief Executive for Bolgatanga, stated that for the banking industry to prosper, there must be a constant release of cutting-edge goods and services to meet the essential requirements of companies.

In addition to helping banks support the expansion and durability of a strong economy, he said that the sector also complemented government efforts to create jobs by giving teeming graduates the opportunity to make a livelihood.

In a related event, the bank provided personal protective equipment to the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital as part of the ceremony to improve healthcare there.

Nine boxes of face masks, seven boxes of face shields, and 20 boxes of isolation gowns were among the materials.

When he presented the products, Mr. Owiredu stated that the action was a part of the bank's corporate social duty toward enhancing the requirements of the public in terms of health in order to help the hospital provide patients with high-quality care.

Dr. Aiden Saanwie, the hospital's medical director, praised the bank for its assistance after receiving the supplies and said that it was challenging for the facility to get medical supplies.

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Nana Kay


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