
October 18th , 2024


Fatau Inusah

A year ago


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A year ago

Prior to Saturday's Copa del Rey final versus Osasuna, Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti addressed the media.

After Jagoba Arrasate visited the media for a few hours at the La Cartuja press room, it was Carlo Ancelotti's time. He has witnessed innumerable finals as both a player and a coach, making him infinitely more skilled in important situations like these. After the UEFA Super Cup, Spanish Super Cup, and Club World Cup finals, this will be his fourth game of the season. The Italian claims he never takes anything for granted despite being well aware of the pressures and media expectations that surface whenever there are awards to be won.

How thrilled are you to take home the Copa? "Playing in a championship is usually a lot of fun. Personally, I've always assumed it might be the last. That's what I believed back in 2003, and I still believe it today. Because these are unique games and we have prepared for them with the utmost passion and desire, I ask the players to appreciate this time. We have victories over Atlético, Villarreal, and Cáceres... We earned our place here, so the plan is to enjoy the time leading up to the game and use tomorrow to our advantage if we want to win.

Is it possible to compete without considering the match against City on Tuesday? "Tomorrow, without considering anything besides what we must do to defeat Osasuna. To be able to triumph in another competition, we shall exert every ounce of energy. The athletes are extremely driven. It's easy to prepare for these games with this team.

"That's a question we have, is Luka Modric prepared to start. He trained really well and trouble-free yesterday. He will perform it one more today, after which we shall assess it together. It is obvious that he will play if he feels at ease. We'll speak with him following training.

What will happen to Carlo Ancelotti during the next 11 days? "A semi-final and the Copa del Rey final. not another. It's okay; I won't jeopardize my life. It would be great to have another Copa del Rey in the trophy case to prepare for the semifinal. My contract expires on June 30, 2024, not tomorrow, therefore my future is clear.

Do you know exactly how many finals you've participated in?

"I don't, no. Do you? Inform me! I have no notion, not even with regard to the ones I participated in.

Do you think it's fair that your continued employment at Real Madrid over the next 11 days is in jeopardy despite the fact that you have a contract? "It's inappropriate to bring this up today. What I can say is that I have incredible affection for both the president and José Angel on a daily basis, and for me, that is sufficient. The players, the entire club...

Will Modric only participate if he is fully healthy? "Sure, that. We won't take a chance if the player does not feel at ease. The athlete will participate if he is healthy.

You weren't really pleased with your defense in the most recent league game; have you spoken to them? "When I assess a game, I normally discuss it with the players; occasionally they don't agree, but lately we have all agreed. It will undoubtedly alter. These games are unique.

How do you handle playing three games in less than 72 hours both physically and mentally? "Three days off are currently sufficient in soccer, even taking the trip into account; therefore, we will remain here tomorrow so that we can sleep at the proper times and recover more effectively."

How is Alaba doing? Will he begin on Monday? "We assessed him, and he is doing great. He trained under a lot of pressure, and the results are amazing. We initially decided not to risk him on tomorrow, but nothing in football is ever guaranteed. But he is completely recovered; there is no damage. He will begin on Monday.
If you win tomorrow, Madrid won't be able to celebrate like Napoli did after winning Serie A. Why not?" When you succeed, you must rejoice. There are other approaches of doing this, though. Usually, we enjoy ourselves by having a party with the supporters afterward. It's a great accomplishment for Napoli to have won Serie A after 30 years, so I can appreciate, for example, their joy. We will celebrate if we succeed, so let's hope we can do the same.

Would missing out on the Champions League ruin the season? "Our goal is to win tomorrow. It would be fantastic to win because it would imply we have accomplished all of our goals in the past two years. We're going to make one more effort. That circle should be closed, please.

Would it be possible to use the same starting lineup against City tomorrow and three days later? "Yes, I could pull it off. We shall assess the challenges of this final on Sunday and Monday.

Have the players who don't usually start made picking a side for tomorrow harder for you? "Choosing players for a final is never easy because we got here not because of just 11 individuals, but rather because of the dedication of many guys. For instance, Asensio and Ceballos provided the motivation to win the match against Villarreal. However, since there are only 11 players, that necessitates depriving some of the credit from others who have helped us in this battle.
What are your predictions for tomorrow? You said you will face Jagoba Arrasate in the final.Because Arrasate was already aware, I informed him. I assured him that the opponent would be very strong and well-prepared, and the contest will be competitive and fair. They have a big game coming up, so we need to be prepared. It will be challenging and complicated. For all of the challenging parts of the game that we will encounter, we must be completely prepared.

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Fatau Inusah

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