
September 16th , 2024



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A year ago

Tana and Vanuatu is an Island in the Southwestern Pacific, it is close to Fiji and Australia. These two sister Islands worship a strange God that baffles many people. The people believed that the late King Phillip the father of the reigning king of England is their God. According to them the spirit of the late king never dies, the prophecy received a boost when the late King Philip visited the Island in 1974.

According to legend, a pale skinned son of a mountain god travelled across the ocean to marry a very powerful woman (Queen Elizabeth). They believed the son of the mountain God left the Islands to fight a war and after the war he was given a powerful woman to marry.

King Philip was a Naval Commander during the Second world war with the British Royal Navy before marrying the future queen of England, Queen Elizabeth. The late kings duty as a navy coincides with the prophecy that a man from Tana and Vanuatu will venture far away lands to fight a war and after the war he will search for a powerful woman to marry.

The inhabitants of these remote Islands worship the photo of the late king and strongly believed that King Philip was the son of their ancestral god who dwells in the mountains. The king died of Covid - 19 in 2021 but they still believed he is their god and worship him. However, They switched to worship his son king Charles as soon as he was crowned the King of England. The pacific tribe also celebrated the coronation his amid dancing, singing and drinking their favorite Kava drink.

The Islanders believed the deceased king will return to the Islands one day to bring prosperity. The news of the death of king Philips was mourned with rituals, wailing, drinking and dancing. Finally, when King Charles visited the Islands in 2018, they honored him as their honorary chief and the son of their god.

Meet the Author

Kofi Dekye Acquaye

Web Developer. Digital Marketer and a writer

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