
May 19th , 2024


Nana Kay

A year ago


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A year ago

The baobab tree is indigenous to parts of Madagascar, Australia, Arabia, and Africa. The scientific name for this plant is Adansonia, and it may reach a height of 98 feet (30 meters). It produces a huge fruit that is eaten frequently and prized for its mouthwatering citrus flavor.

scientific advantages

According to the US Department of Agriculture, two tablespoons (20 grams) of baobab powder can provide the following benefits: 50 calories, 1 gram of protein, 16 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fat, and 9 grams of fiber Vitamin C accounts for 58 percent of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI), Vitamin B6 for 24 percent, Niacin for 20 percent, Iron for 9 percent, Potassium for 9 percent, and Magnesium for 8 percent.

According to the assessment, both the fresh and powdered components of the baobab plant are very nutritious.

Supporting documentation: Loss of weight

According to research by Garvey et al. (2017), using 20 participants, drinking a smoothie containing 15 grams of baobab extract significantly reduced sensations of hunger when compared to drinking a placebo.

According to a randomized controlled experiment, the baobab's high fiber content first passes slowly through the stomach before keeping the stomach at bay and causing one to feel satisfied for a longer period of time (Yu et al., 2014). 

According to a recent review (Howarth et al., 2001), eating an additional 14 grams of fiber per day can lower calorie consumption by up to 10% and reduce body weight by an average of 4.2 pounds (1.9 kg).

Baking baobab extracts into white bread reduced the quantity of quickly digested starch and delayed the rise of blood sugar levels in the body, according to Coe et al.'s (2013) findings from another randomized controlled study.  

Another human study with 13 participants indicated that baobab lowered the amount of insulin needed to transfer sugar from the blood to the tissues, assisting in blood sugar regulation (Coe and Ryan, 2016). 

Meanwhile, a prior investigation (Lattimer and Haub, 2010) discovered that baobab might reduce blood sugar absorption because of its high fiber content. This may prevent blood sugar spikes and drops and regulate levels for a considerable amount of time. 

Internal Health

According to three studies (Alonso-Coello et al. 2006; Satoh H. 2010; Pituch-Zdanowska et al. 2015; and Satoh H. 2010), the more fiber from baobab we take, the more protection we may have against ailments like intestinal ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, and hemorrhoids. 

The usefulness of this prebiotic has also been demonstrated through research and traditional use in Africa, according to a 2002 study by S. Manfredini. Baobab fruit powder has a beneficial prebiotic effect on important probiotic gut flora groups, according to Italian researchers. 

They discovered that baobab fruit powder caused substantial increases in the production of two of the three important bacterial groups—Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli—when compared to controls.

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Nana Kay


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