
June 2nd , 2024


Nana Kay

A year ago


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A year ago

World Family Doctor Day was observed this year in Elmina, in the Central Region, with a request for senior physicians to guide junior ones into the field.

More advocacy and exposure are required, particularly for medical students and housemen, to generate interest in generalised family medicine, according to panellists and participants in the discussion on "The family physician and universal health coverage".

Family physicians, who specialise in general medicine, are frequently the first port of contact for medical attention.

According to a recent study, 10% of all medical students may decide to pursue generalist family medicine.

There are now 200 family doctors working in the nation.

According to specialists in the field, more generalists will ease the strain on other specialised fields.  The Society of Family Physicians of Ghana (SOFPOG) observed the day under the banner "Family Doctors: The Heart of Healthcare."

The practise is currently not that appealing.

Prof. Akye Essuman, faculty chair of family medicine at the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons, noted that although recruiting younger physicians was important, the faculty also needed to include more family physicians to support family doctor practitioners.

More generalists, according to him, would increase access to high-quality healthcare and promote it at basic healthcare institutions. 

Family medicine, according to Dr. Akosua Owusu-Sarpong, the Central Regional Director of Health, is essential to achieving high standards of healthcare and universal health goals.

She said that family doctors had a significant effect on every other field of medical practise and that they were essential to providing high-quality healthcare.

Family practitioners, according to SOFPOG President Dr. George Bediako Nketiah, are at the centre of healthcare across the world, providing comprehensive care for patients while encouraging enduring dialogue and a profound grasp of individualised health care.

"Trust, compassion, and understanding are the foundations of the special relationship between family doctors and their patients. They operate as a dependable point of contact, building long-lasting connections based on transparent communication and a thorough comprehension of the person's medical background, social setting, and family dynamics, the expert stated.

He said that using a holistic approach allowed family doctors to offer individualised treatment and address more than just current health concerns.

problems, but to also advocate for long-term health and preventative actions.

According to Dr. Nketiah, family doctors continue to be the cornerstone of healthcare, assisting people in taking responsibility for their own health via preventative treatment, regular checkups, and health education.

To enable them to perform their jobs effectively, he urged the expansion of the ranks of family physicians through ongoing education and training.

Solomon Ebo Appiah, the chief executive of the Komenda Edina Eguafo Abrem Municipal Assembly, warned that the acts and inactions of physicians might have catastrophic effects on patient health.

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Nana Kay


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