
October 18th , 2024



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A year ago


One of the numerous problems that have plagued residents of Bono Manso in recent times has been the poor state of sanitation in the area. The situation has reached such an alarming height that it requires urgent attention.

A visit to Bono Manso and its environs reveals that sanitary conditions are fast deteriorating. A visitor is immediately repelled by the bad smell that comes from gutters constructed along the streets, most of which are choked. What beats my understanding is the way women display cooked food very close to the reeking gutters. Often, their teaming clientele, mostly young unmarried men, are seen gulping down morsels of food under such unhygienic conditions without regard to the risk this could pose to their health. The situation is worsened by butchers who slaughter. animals under unhygienic conditions owing to the lack of an abattoir. My fear is that a serious outbreak of epidemics is imminent if nothing is done to remedy the situation. Already, the number of typhoid fever cases is soaring, according to reports from the local hospitals.

The lack of adequate toilet facilities at Bono Manso poses health hazards to residents of the area. Because most homes do not have toilet facilities people are seen each day, especially in the early hours of the morning, in long queues waiting to have their turns at the public toilets that serve the area. Presently the area has five public toilets, but such facilities are inadequate considering the large population at Bono Manso. It is common practice to see children easing themselves in the nearby bushes, street corners, or even, in the open. What is most disgusting is that some adults engage in this shameful practice, especially at night. This explains why the whole area stinks, especially after a downpour.

Another area of concern is the way residents of Bono Manso dispose of their refuse. In fact the disposal of refuse leaves much to be desired. The only refuse dump which serves the area is located at a far distance. Since most people are reluctant to go that long distance they dispose of rubbish anywhere and this contributes to the stench that fills the area. It is feared that an outbreak of epidemics in the area will claim the lives of several people unless urgent measures are taken to address the situation.

My suggestions are that first, residents should be mobilized to undertake regular clean-up exercises in the area. Choked gutters should be desilte, the surroundings should be swept clean, and overgrown bushes should be cut down. There is also the need to educate residents of the area on the importance of hygiene and sanitation to the well-being of the individual and the society at large. In addition, it is vital that the Nkronza Metropolitan Assembly (K.M.A.) should consider, as a matter of priority, the building of more public toilets for the area. This done, the pressure on existing toilet facilities will reduce greatly. Perhaps there may be the need to establish sanitation courts to prosecute persons brought before them for sanitary offences. Such courts should impose heavy fines on culprits to serve as a deterrent to others.

It is my hope that appropriate action will be taken by all persons concerned to ensure that the postage of sanitation at Bono Manso is remedied.

                                            CRISS LOVETH


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