A year ago
Do You Long to be Happy?
Why do you still wait?
Most individuals are hoping for "something unusual" to make their lives wonderful and enable them to be happy.
Consider this: Have others experienced this, and are they all content? No, they're not, and neither will they provide you with long-lasting happiness.
Happiness is determined by internal circumstances rather than by circumstances outside of oneself.
Your perspective, which is determined by what you think about and your focus, determines your attitude.
Finally, you are the one who decides whether to be happy or not because you decide your focus.
Do you ever long for happiness?
Was it love you long for, Joy, Happiness, etc?
What makes you happy? Party, career, fiancee, children, education, or drinks and food?
Believers will say No
Nonbelievers will say Yes
What will you say too
Can joy, and happiness be bought?
God gives you joy, happiness, and peace of mind.
The Beatitudes are about viewpoints. Seeing a wider view than the small instant (Jesus described how some people are blessed or pleasant even in challenging situations in the Beatitudes.)
(In the New Testament, the word we interpret as "happy" is often rendered as "blessed.")
Chasing happiness after what the world has to offer won't bring it to you. It has been tried before and failed.
Furthermore, as long as you stay self-centered, you will never be happy. Happiness will always be isolated by a self-centered attitude.
After washing his disciples' feet, a menial duty similar to cleaning toilets nowadays, Jesus immediately said to them:
JOHN 13:17 17 If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.
If you assist others, you will be happy. If you don't focus on yourself. That is exactly what Jesus told me.
SAY THIS WITH FAITH: I choose to be grateful and happy and focus on.
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