
September 16th , 2024



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A year ago

There are many strange stories regarding how slaves were treated in the United States years ago. Some of them were used as guinea pigs for experiments; others were also used to perform donkey tasks. There are many ordeals that our ancestors went through that will make us feel bad and wail from dawn till dusk.

I have done deep research on how a particular woman was using the blood of her slaves to rejuvenate herself. The story at first sounded like a fictional horror movie until I read and researched it myself. The story is about Madam Lalaure, who tortured and killed her slaves for sacrificial purposes and fun.

Marie Delphine McCarthy was born on March 17, 1787, in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was born into a wealthy family that was also a landowner. She became famous for how she tortured and murdered her slaves. She whipped her slaves, gauged their eyes out, and poked holes in their skulls, allowing living maggots to infest the openings. All these atrocities were done to her black slaves, and it is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the cruelties she did to her slaves.

Another account also has it that one of her 12-year-old young slaves, Lia, fell from the mansion when she accidentally pulled her hair too hard while brushing her hair. She also locked one of her slaves in a room and cemented the room with no ventilation. Another rumor also claimed that she chained her cook to the stove until he died. All these heinous acts came to light when a fire broke out in her mansion.


When the fire broke out, the township decided to help her extinguish the fire, which was where the people witnessed one of the horrible crimes committed against the slaves. One eyewitness said that there were at least seven slaves beaten, chained, and bruised with blood all over their bodies. Some of them have flayed skin and mouths filled with excrement while sewn shut.

There was another disturbing report about one of her slave women whose bones had been broken and reset to resemble a crab or a zombie. The sources say that another woman was also wrapped in human intestines and was disfigured. Other accounts also claimed that there were those who had holes in their skulls and a wooden spoon that was used to stir their brains.

Madam Lalaure's mansion

There were also plenty of human bodies hidden in the attic; their corpses were dismembered beyond recognition, and their organs had been removed. Another young man was so scared of punishment that he had to throw himself out of a three-story building in her mansion to escape her punishment. According to sources, even her children were punished severely whenever they tried to help the slaves.

One sad fact is that Madam Delphine Lalaure never faced justice for all the crimes she committed against her slaves and humanity. The whereabouts of this cruel woman are not yet known. By the morning, Madam Lalaure and her driver had disappeared.

Meet the Author

Kofi Dekye Acquaye

Web Developer. Digital Marketer and a writer

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