
October 22nd , 2024


Nana Kay

2 years ago


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2 years ago

Former Senior UN Administration Advisor, Professor Baffour Agyeman-Duah has called for a legitimate audit of the 1992 Structure that will strip the Official of what he depicts as “intemperate control”.

As portion of the numerous administration changes he proposed, the Co-author of the Ghana Center for Majority rule Advancement (CDD-Ghana), too called on the current organization to drastically cut down on the measure of government.

He famous that the estimate of the Akufo-Addo government could be a “squander” that's putting undue weight on the nation’s delicate economy.

The call for audit of the nation’s structure isn't unused.

Activists and numerous Respectful Society Associations (CSOs) in later times have pushed for a re-assessment of the 1992 Structure to one that suits and speaks to the desires of the Ghanaian individuals nowadays.

So in an meet with JoyNews at the sidelines of the 5th version of the National Security Seminar arrangement at the College of Proficient Considers on Wednesday, Teacher Agyeman-Duah depicted the 1992 Structure as obsolete and emphasized the pressing require for change.

“There are a few angles of the Structure that has to be changed counting over the top powers loaded on the administration, wide discretionary powers of open authorities to do things, the bloated government that we have, and numerous others,” he said.

The four a long time term length stipulated for presidents and individuals of parliament in a given term is an angle of the Structure that has been wrangled about upon by numerous counting previous President John Kuffour who made a case for a longer-term length amid the last days of his moment term contending, that four a long time is basically not sufficient for any government to provide on their guarantees.

Supporting that contention, Prof Agyeman-Duah famous that the modification will be great for the nation.

Be that as it may, he included that in case a assurance is made in a future sacred change to extend the term length, there must be a instrument to check and anticipate conceivable mishandle by the political course.

“On the off chance that you allow a longer residency at that point you ought to have a component to check and halt awful presidents. So in case you have got ten or eight a long time it doesn’t cruel merely ought to hold up for that to slip by and allow them (lawmakers) to do anything they like no.

“There ought to be a component for prosecution. There ought to be an less demanding component of review like in Britain,” he opined.

In the midst of a or maybe charged political environment in an unsteady locale, the previous Senior UN Advisor encouraged the citizenry not to require up arms, but to mobilise themselves and vote the way they need within the 2024 common decisions.

“On the off chance that the exhortation (to cut down the estimate of government) isn't taken, individuals who are not cheerful ought to mobilise themselves towards the races and vote the way they need,” the CDD Co-author said.

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Nana Kay


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