
October 18th , 2024



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Group chat is not for everyone. If you point out a person whom you wish to get a reply, they will reply you definitely.

If you really need a reply from everyone in group, Do mention a message as

“Everyone in group, Pls do reply”.

Everyone is busy in their daily work. We can't expect reply from everyone.

If someone is not replying, we shouldn't think that they don't like you messaging in group. Stay Positive ?? that they like your content in message.

Most important: WhatsApp Group messages are not for Responding back. It's mere Informative or Updates from group.

Moreover People get frustrated if you poke them and ask why you are not replying after seeing message. Because that's individual choice. We shouldn't force anyone for any reason. Instead we should be happy that they are still in group..

Keeping these things in mind, don't take anything to heart if someone is not replying to you. I can say that they are not ignoring you at all. (If they are really doing so, they could have left Group before itself).

Note : SILENCE IS MERE ACCEPTANCE. (It's not a Rejection)

Group chat is not for everyone. If you point out a person whom you wish to get a reply, they will reply you definitely.

If you really need a reply from everyone in group, Do mention a message as “Everyone in group, Pls do reply”.

Everyone is busy in their daily work. We can't expect reply from everyone.

In my opinion what I find that works is to create a group rule list and post it on the group description. Make sure to share it with the group when you do and in the beginning when someone does not follow the rule, post the rules under their message as a reminder to the group. If someone just chooses not to follow the rules you would need to ban the person after advising them and showing them what they are doing wrong beforehand

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