
February 13th , 2025



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 John 15:9-11



God expresses His love in a special way by giving us His commandments.


 God not only loves, He is love ( 1 John 4:16). As He is love He cannot but express and show His love towards mankind, who is His creation. He does this in a number of ways, one of which is that His gave us His commandments so that we can live in accordance with His will and in harmony with one another.


The commandments are not an expression of power over mankind or to place them in some kind of restricted existence. They are to guide us to "love from a pure heart"

( 1 Timothy 1:5). The love of God has the power to change us and our lives in a profound manner. For us this love is more than a feeling or sensation, it is a force that gives us essential direction that leads to obedience and a life in God.


Connected to Christ


Jesus begins His dialogue with the disciples by explaining the absolute necessity of fellowship, connection, and oneness with Him and the Father.He uses the example of the vine and the branches to drive home His point

( John 15:1-8). He then reinforces His relationship with them by saying,  "As the Father loved Me, l also have loved you"  ( verse 9). This is remarkable and wonderful. The Father loved Him. He is the beloved Son. However, that Jesus should love them with the same powerful love is hard to grasp. After all, they are not anything like the Son of God. God however, so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son ( John 3:16).


It is with this same love that Jesus Christ loves the disciples. He advises His disciples to remain in His love. Normally one would think that to remain in such a wonderful, deep love would be simple. We see that it is not quite that easy and straight forward. For this love carries with it a responsibility. Jesus gives the key when He says ,  "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love." If you really want to remain in this love and allow it to have it's desired effect, you must keep His commandments. Not only the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament, but also the new commandments He gave: that we love one another as He loves us

( John 13:34).


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