
September 16th , 2024



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A year ago

A Ghanaian-born US citizen has been found dead in his room in Takoradi, in the Western Region of Ghana.

Joana Barton Oduro, an Assembly member in the area, confirmed the tragic incident. The 72-year-old man, named Anthony Wolfgang Hammond, was found dead after a foul smell emanated from his two-bedroom apartment, which he had occupied alone for three years.

Residents and other tenants who were lost as to where the stench came from saw houseflies hovering around his window. They broke into his room only to find his decomposing body lying in the kitchen with his microwave open.

The Assembly member told Connect FM’s Omanbapa morning show, Nhyiraba Paa Kwesi Simpson, that they believe he died two weeks ago.

“His landlord broke into the room and realized he was dead. We quickly called the police and deposited his body at Takoradi Government Hospital. We are supposed to bury the body because of its decomposing nature, but we have still not identified his relatives, and so we have pleaded with the hospital to help us keep the body for some time whilst we search for his family members,” Madam Barton Oduro explained.

According to her, a search conducted in his room revealed passport pictures, laptops, phones, and a passport indicating he is a citizen of the United States of America. “His phone has been switched on, but nobody has called him since, and all the contacts we have seen don’t relate to any close friends or relatives.

We realized he had tried to register for a Ghana Card. On the registration sheet, his mother’s name is recorded as Agnes Prah and Anthony Hammond as his father, but they are all deceased. “He is the quiet type who does not interact with anyone in the house.

He has also not been seen with a friend or relative in the house he rented three years ago. We also found passport pictures and a passport indicating he is now a US citizen,” she added.

Source: Connect FM Omanbapa morning show

Meet the Author

Kofi Dekye Acquaye

Web Developer. Digital Marketer and a writer

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