
October 18th , 2024



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A year ago

    Tanzania, along with four other African countries, is looking to achieve the '95-95-95' targets set by UNAIDS to eliminate AIDS by 2030.

      Tanzania's health minister, Ummy Mwalimu, highlights the country's impressive achievements in the fight against AIDS, with 96% of Tanzanians living with HIV aware of their status and receiving necessary treatment and care.

        Political commitment and sustained collaboration among local and international partners, including the Global Fund, PEPFAR, UNAIDS, and WHO, have been instrumental in the progress made by African countries in combating HIV/AIDS.

        The HIV/AIDS epidemic has had a disproportionately negative impact on the African continent. This has had disastrous ramifications for people, families, communities, and the economy. AIDS has had a huge influence on Africa over the past two decades, creating enormous problems but also driving substantial efforts to combat the illness.

        Africa has the world's highest number of HIV/AIDS patients. The disease's incidence varies across the continent, with Southern and Eastern Africa being the most affected.

        Despite the hurdles, tremendous progress has been made in combating the African AIDS pandemic. To tackle the illness, governments, international organizations, civic society, and impacted communities have joined forces. Various initiatives, such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, have contributed critical funding to impacted nations to assist with prevention, treatment, and care programs.

        While there has been progress, the fight against AIDS in Africa is far from over, and some African countries have pledged to curb the disease completely. According to a statement from the health minister of Tanzania, Ms. Ummy Mwalimu, one of the countries looking to end AIDS, 96% of Tanzanians living with HIV are aware of their situation.

        The minister also noted that 98% of people living with HIV in the nation attend treatment and care facilities for the use of antiretroviral medications (ARVs), and 97% of people who take ARVs have better health.

        Additionally, she cited improved HIV service efficacy and the establishment of solid procedures for monitoring and assessing AIDS response efforts as significant factors in this accomplishment. Now the country, together with four other African countries, has pledged to rid their region of AIDS completely by 2030.

        UNAIDS says five African nations have met the '95-95-95' objectives for eradicating AIDS by 2030. UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, introduced the 95-95-95 objectives in 2014. By 2030, it was intended to identify 95% of all HIV-positive people, administer ART to 95% of those identified, and see 95% of those treated achieve viral suppression.

        Below are the 5 African countries that have met the '95-95-95' objectives for eradicating AIDS by 2030:

        • Botswana

        • Eswatini

        • Rwanda

        • Tanzania

        • Zimbabwe

        Meet the Author

        Kofi Dekye Acquaye

        Web Developer. Digital Marketer and a writer

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