
September 19th , 2024


Kwame Fosu

A year ago


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A year ago

Adisadel College Dismisses Student Following Viral Video of Violent Assault on Junior


Adisadel College, a prestigious educational institution known for its rich history and academic excellence, recently faced a scandal that rocked its reputation. A video of a violent assault on a junior student by a senior went viral on social media platforms, sparking outrage and condemnation from the public. In response to the incident, the school authorities took swift action, dismissing the senior student involved in the assault. This incident raises concerns about bullying and violence within school settings and highlights the importance of cultivating a safe and nurturing environment for all students.

The Viral Video and Public Outrage

The incident in question occurred during the school's orientation program for new students. The video, captured by a witness and later shared on various social media platforms, depicted a senior student aggressively attacking a junior with kicks and punches. The assault was shocking and brutal, causing an uproar among parents, students, and concerned members of the public.

The swift dissemination of the video across social media channels magnified the issue, prompting widespread discussions on the importance of addressing violence and bullying within schools. Many individuals expressed their outrage, demanding immediate action from the school authorities to ensure justice for the victim and accountability for the perpetrator.

Adisadel College's Response

Upon learning of the incident and reviewing the viral video, the school administration convened an emergency meeting to address the situation. Recognizing the gravity of the incident and its impact on the reputation of the institution, the authorities acted promptly to take decisive action.

The senior student involved in the assault was immediately suspended pending a thorough investigation. The victim received medical attention and counseling, and his parents were promptly informed about the incident and the steps being taken to ensure his safety and well-being.

The school administration released a public statement denouncing the violent act and reaffirming its commitment to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all students. They assured parents, students, and the public that the incident would be thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions would be taken to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

Dismissal of the Senior Student

Following a comprehensive investigation, which included interviews with witnesses and an examination of the school's code of conduct, the school administration decided to expel the senior student involved in the assault. The decision was made in accordance with the school's zero-tolerance policy on violence and bullying.

The dismissal sent a strong message that such behavior would not be tolerated within the institution. It also served as a warning to other students that acts of violence and aggression would be met with severe consequences, regardless of their standing within the school community.

Educating on Respect, Empathy, and Conflict Resolution

In the aftermath of the incident, Adisadel College took proactive measures to address the underlying issues that might have contributed to such an act of violence. The school organized workshops and seminars to educate students on the importance of respect, empathy, and conflict resolution. These sessions aimed to foster a culture of understanding and compassion among students and empower them to handle conflicts in a non-violent manner.

Additionally, the school collaborated with mental health professionals to provide support and counseling services to students who may be struggling with anger management or other emotional issues.

Community Engagement and Rebuilding Trust

Recognizing the importance of maintaining a strong relationship with the community, the school reached out to parents, alumni, and other stakeholders to address their concerns and seek their input on improving the school's environment. Regular town hall meetings were organized to encourage open dialogue and transparency in the decision-making process.


The viral video of a violent assault on a junior student at Adisadel College served as a wake-up call for the school administration and the wider community about the need to address issues of violence and bullying within educational institutions. The swift dismissal of the senior student involved, coupled with efforts to educate students on respect, empathy, and conflict resolution, demonstrated the school's commitment to creating a safe and nurturing environment for its students. Moving forward, it is crucial for the school to continue implementing proactive measures to prevent such incidents and to rebuild trust with the community it serves.

Meet the Author

Kwame Fosu

Content writer

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