
June 14th , 2024


Asante Kwabena

10 months ago


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10 months ago


*Matthew 6:33,1 Cor 5:21*

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

2Cor.5.21 - For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

*Holiness embedded in Righteousness.*

What does it mean to be Holy?It means to be set apart or dedicated for a specific purpose, or for use by a single entity or person.

While Righteousness,is the state of being right with God; justification; the work of Christ, which is the ground justification.

Anybody can be Holy,Moralists practice Holiness too.We have several religions all over the world and they have different aspects where they need to be set apart or be "Holy" to be fit for a certain use.A man who is holy today can become unholy Tomorrow,there are some gatherings they will give warnings to whoever gives prophecies to avoid fornication for some certain days,weeks or months so he/she will be fit to receive instructions from God.Then,when he/she obeys that and downloads every divine prophecies,then he can   now feel free to do what he can.In that sense,they are just practicing Holiness,they do not have the righteousness of  God in them.

So,Righteousness is not what you practice,it is what you have been transformed to become. *{2Cor.5.21 - For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.}*

 You become righteous when you fully have Christ and the Spirit of God dwelling in you richly.

When you become the righteousness of God,no one has to urge you to be clean or  let me put this way,_"Holy"_ in order to be fit for the Master's use.A man who has the Righteousness In him (That is,the life of Christ) is righteous forever,because the life he will be living will no  longer be his own,he is no longer conscious of what will stain him or not,because he is not living by law.

However,If you are holy before you receive Christ,you have double honours and advantage because you will become so perfect.And,*being perfect does not mean there are times you won't flop,but you will always rise again and NEVER go back to the sin.* That is why David says,"Even if I fall seven times,I will rise again".Then,that is Perfection.

Brethen,do you have the righteousness of God in you or you are just faking Holiness?However,you cannot be a righteousness of God if you do not have Christ,having Christ in you makes holiness simple and easy thing for you.

Then,how can you become the righteousness of God?Receive Christ,Surrender your total will to him,don't take the grace of God for granted,do not rejoice in sin,and be humble under the mighty hands of God for a sustainable grace for the race.Stay blessed


✍️Olajuwon Elizabeth

Meet the Author

Asante Kwabena

Blogger,student,writer,content creator.

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