
October 18th , 2024


Kwame Fosu

A year ago


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A year ago

August's Full Sturgeon Moon Ascends Tomorrow: The First of Two Supermoons This Month


Within the realm of astronomy's celestial spectacle, one of the most awe-inspiring occurrences manifests as the Supermoon phenomenon.

A Supermoon occurs when the full moon aligns with its closest point to Earth, thus presenting a larger and brighter spectacle in the night sky.

In the current month of August, we anticipate two extraordinary instances of Supermoons.

The initial Supermoon, referred to as the Full Sturgeon Moon, shall grace our celestial canvas on the morrow.

In this article, we shall delve into the enthralling intricacies of this lunar event, exploring its significance and its enduring hold on the human imagination throughout history.

Table of Contents

  1. Grasping the Full Sturgeon Moon
  2. The Origin of the Title
  3. The Science Behind Supermoons
  4. Eminent Supermoons in the Historical Record
  5. Cultural Significance and Myths
  6. Observing the Full Sturgeon Moon
  7. Recommendations for Lunar Photography
  8. Influence on Tides and Nature
  9. The Second Supermoon in August
  10. Supermoons vs. Micromoons
  11. The Association Between Supermoons and Human Behaviour
  12. Supermoons and Astrology
  13. Lunar Eclipses and Supermoons
  14. Examination and Research of Supermoons
  15. Conclusion

Understanding the Full Sturgeon Moon

The Full Sturgeon Moon, also known as the Corn Moon or Grain Moon, marks the period when Native American tribes in specific regions traditionally harvested sturgeon fish.

This full moon serves as a symbol of abundance, denoting the fruitful harvest during late summer.

For astronomers and enthusiasts of the night sky, it presents a captivating celestial display.

The Origin of the Title

The nomenclature "Sturgeon Moon" can be traced back to Native American tribes such as the Algonquins and Ojibwe, who bestowed each full moon with a name based on natural events coinciding with the lunar cycle.

The name for August's moon was derived from the abundance of sturgeon fish, which were easily caught during this season in certain North American lakes and rivers.

The Science Behind Supermoons

The science underpinning Supermoons lies in the moon's elliptical orbit around Earth.

When a full moon aligns with its closest point to our planet (perigee), it appears up to 14% larger and 30% brighter than during apogee, its farthest distance from Earth.

Notable Supermoons in History

Throughout history, Supermoons have stirred the imagination of people across diverse cultures.

One such event took place in 1948, when the Supermoon made its closest approach to Earth in nearly 70 years, earning it the moniker "Supermoon of the Century."

Cultural Significance and Myths

Supermoons have been woven into the tapestry of human culture for centuries. In various folklore and myths, these celestial events often carry mystical and supernatural connotations.

They become linked to auspicious occurrences, prophecies, and even werewolves, thereby augmenting the allure of these lunar spectacles.

How to Observe the Full Sturgeon Moon

Observing the Full Sturgeon Moon necessitates no special equipment; it can be appreciated with the naked eye.

Seek out an open area devoid of city lights for the best viewing experience. The moonrise, especially when it emerges over the horizon, is a breathtaking sight to behold.

Recommendations for Lunar Photography

Capturing the beauty of the Full Sturgeon Moon through photography can prove to be a gratifying endeavour.

Utilising a tripod to stabilise your camera and adjusting the exposure settings to avoid overexposure due to the moon's luminosity can result in stunning photographs.

Impact on Tides and Nature

The Supermoon's closer proximity to Earth can lead to higher than usual tides, known as "perigean spring tides."

These tidal variations can impact coastal regions and marine life.

August's Second Supermoon

This August presents not just one, but two Supermoons.

The second Supermoon, known as the "Blue Moon," will grace the night sky later this month.

This rare phenomenon further adds to the celestial excitement.

Supermoons vs. Micromoons

In contrast to Supermoons, Micromoons materialise when the full moon reaches its farthest point from Earth, causing it to appear smaller and dimmer.

The dissimilarity between the two can be quite striking.

The Association Between Supermoons and Human Behaviour

While some speculate that Supermoons can influence human behaviour, scientific investigations have yet to yield conclusive evidence supporting this belief.

Nevertheless, the allure of the moon's enigmatic power continues to persist.

Supermoons and Astrology

In the realm of astrology, Supermoons are considered significant events.

They are believed to intensify the energies of the zodiac signs, leading to heightened emotions and transformative experiences.

Lunar Eclipses and Supermoons

Occasionally, a Supermoon coincides with a lunar eclipse, creating a rare and spectacular celestial spectacle.

The reddish hue observed during a lunar eclipse is often referred to as a "Blood Moon."

Supermoon Observations and Research

Astronomers and researchers seize the opportunity presented by Supermoons to study the moon's surface, gather data, and garner insights into our celestial neighbour.


The Full Sturgeon Moon stands as a breathtaking celestial event that has captivated humanity for countless generations.

As it graces the night sky on the morrow, let us take a moment to marvel at the beauty and wonder of the cosmos.

The dual occurrence of Supermoons this August contributes to the astronomical excitement, offering ample opportunities for sky enthusiasts to ponder the marvels of our extraordinary universe.


  1. When is the Full Sturgeon Moon? The Full Sturgeon Moon will ascend in August, and it will be visible on the morrow.
  2. Why is it called the Sturgeon Moon? The appellation originates from Native American tribes associating this moon with the abundance of sturgeon fish during the late summer harvest.
  3. What is a Supermoon? A Supermoon occurs when the full moon aligns with its closest point to Earth, presenting a larger and brighter spectacle in the night sky.
  4. Can Supermoons influence human behaviour? While some speculate they do, scientific studies have not yet furnished conclusive evidence to support this assertion.
  5. How can I observe the Full Sturgeon Moon? You can witness it with the naked eye in an open area free from city lights during moonrise.

Meet the Author

Kwame Fosu

Content writer

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