
February 8th , 2025


George Eduah

A year ago


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A year ago

It has been suggested that eating one apple every day will help lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and add years to your life. a bunch of apples arranged on a table.

It's likely that you're familiar with the proverb that goes, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." But do apples actually have that many health benefits? Snow White, who was put to sleep after eating a tainted apple, would assert that this is not the case. Apples, on the other hand, are among the most delectable and beneficial fruits that one can consume, presuming that you are not actually living in a storybook.

According to registered dietitian Amber Sommer, RD, LD, "Apples are popular for a reason," and she is right. They are convenient to eat while on the go and have a delicious flavour. But what the vast majority of people don't realise is that consuming them frequently over a period of time can bring a significant improvement to one's health." The author, Sommer, discusses the many advantages of apples and explains why you should buy a bushel of them at the store.

Are apples good for you?

Apples have a relatively low calorie intake (about 60 per apple), but they pack a significant nutritious punch for their size. When consumed uncooked, unpeeled, and in their natural state, apples provide the greatest number of beneficial nutrients. Because heating and processing apples removes vital nutrients, apple products such as juice, cider, and applesauce are not as healthful as whole apples.

The kind of apples you consume can have a small impact on the nutrients that you absorb. Apples of the Red Delicious variety are said to be the healthiest type of apple. Its dark, red skin has a higher concentration of antioxidants, which are chemicals that help prevent damage to cells. However, each and every apple contains a wealth of nutrients, including the following:

Apple peels have a high concentration of antioxidants, the most notable of which is quercetin. This nutrient can be found in foods that have a high pigment content (a high level of colour), such as citrus fruits, berries, green tea, and red wine.

Apples are an excellent food choice for their high fibre content, which plays a role in the digestive process.

Apples are a good source of hydration due to the high percentage of water (approximately 85%) that they contain.

The apple's benefits to one's health

Apples are a nutritional powerhouse due to the high levels of antioxidants and fibre that they contain. The following is a list of some of the health benefits that come from eating apples:

1. Maintains stable blood sugar levels

According to Sommer, "when you eat sugary, processed foods like doughnuts, the amount of glucose (sugar) that is produced in your blood spikes." Your blood glucose levels will remain stable, however, if you consume foods like apples that are strong in fibre yet have a relatively modest amount of sugar.

Diabetes type 2, a degenerative disease that affects more than 33 million people in the United States, can be caused by having high glucose levels over a period of time. However, there is some good news for apple lovers: According to the findings of a study that involved more than 38,000 participants, those who consumed more than one apple per day had a 28% lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes compared to those who did not consume any apples.

Apples are likely beneficial because they include a combination of antioxidants and fibre:

Antioxidants have the potential to prevent harm to your pancreas. The removal of glucose from your blood is accomplished by the production of insulin by your pancreas.

The rate at which glucose is absorbed into your system is slowed down by fibre.

2. Brings down cholesterol levels

Because it causes plaque buildup in your arteries and reduces the amount of blood that can flow to your heart, high cholesterol is one of the most important risk factors for heart disease. Apples, on the other hand, include a potent combination of antioxidants and fibre that can assist in lowering that figure. Pectin is the sort of fibre that stands out in this context because it binds to cholesterol in your digestive track and then helps drain it out of your body.

Consuming a few apples each day has been shown in a number of studies to be effective in lowering overall cholesterol levels by anywhere from five to eight percent in persons who already have high cholesterol. You can't eat that many apples in a single day, can you? Try eating a daily portion of three ounces of dry apples that have no added sugar. After consuming that much for a period of six months, the participants in one research had a 13% reduction in their total cholesterol.

3. Has been shown to reduce blood pressure

When someone has high blood pressure, the force of the blood as it flows through their blood vessels might cause damage to those blood vessels. It is a significant factor in the development of heart attacks and strokes. A healthy diet is one way that high blood pressure can be prevented as well as managed.

Eating apples was proven to help decrease blood pressure in a limited trial conducted in Australia. Other study has shown contradictory findings. However, studies are in agreement that the antioxidants found in apple peels contribute to smooth blood flow. There's also a possibility that the apple fibre plays a role.

4. Reduce the risk of inflammation

Inflammation is a natural defence mechanism that helps our bodies mend damaged tissue and fight off diseases. However, the irritation should only remain for a brief period of time. Chronic inflammation is inflammation that lasts for a long time and occurs repeatedly. This type of inflammation can potentially cause harm and even disease.

Apples are rich in anti-inflammatory compounds, most notably fibre and quercetin, an antioxidant that works to reduce inflammation throughout the body but is particularly effective in the respiratory system. Eating apples has been shown in a number of studies to reduce the levels of c-reactive proteins in the blood, which is an indication that chronic inflammation is being reduced.

In addition, a study that involved 1,600 young adults found that there may be a link between consuming apples and pears and a reduced risk of acquiring asthma. People who consume apples appear to have increased lung function, according to other lines of research.

5. Stimulates the growth of your microbiome

Your digestive tract and skin both play host to a plethora of different bacteria that call your body their home. Some are beneficial, while others are detrimental to one's health. Apples are beneficial for both of these types:

The growth of these potentially dangerous microorganisms in your stomach is inhibited by quercetin.

Pectin has been shown to improve gut health by acting as a prebiotic, or a food source for beneficial microbes.

6. Delays the onset of hunger for longer

According to Sommer, "apples are a great choice for a filling snack due to their high water and fibre content." Because the fibre slows digestion, you'll feel full for a longer period of time after eating it. You can help yourself keep a healthy weight by opting for lower-calorie snacks like apples rather than higher-calorie snacks like cookies or candy. Apples have a lower calorie count than other common snacks like cookies and candy.

7. Makes your life span more impressive.

According to the findings of one study, increasing your daily intake of fruit, namely apples, may help you live longer. After following up with the participants 15 years later, the researchers found that those who had done this had a mortality risk that was 35 percent lower than average.

You can lower your risk of dying from heart disease or cancer by increasing the amount of apples in your diet, which are the top two main causes of mortality in the United States. People who ate apples had a 13% to 22% lower risk of developing heart disease compared to people who didn't consume the fruit at all, according to a study that involved nearly 40,000 participants.

Apples have also been linked to a reduced risk of cancer. According to the findings of several studies, individuals who consume apples on a regular basis have a lower risk of developing the condition. However, how many apples do you need to consume in order to see a reduction in your risk? People who ate at least one apple per day had a decreased risk of developing lung cancer, according to a large study that included 77,000 participants.

Apples are notable for the fact that they are both affordable and simple to locate.

Apples can be found in the produce section of virtually every grocery store and farmer's market. They are versatile and can be used in a variety of settings, including lunchboxes, picnic baskets, and charcuterie boards. They might not have the same elegant appearance or be as highly valued as berries, grapes, or kiwis, but they are more accessible and cost far less money.

And who would have guessed that the lowly apple could provide so many incredible health benefits? It has the potential to lengthen your life and keep you from developing chronic diseases that can make day-to-day activities difficult. Consume them in their natural state or get creative with some fresh apple recipes. You can improve the nutritional value of your muesli or salad by including some of these nuts in either one of those dishes. "Apples have most definitely earned themselves a place in a healthy diet," says Sommer. "It's a fruit that can have such a positive impact on your health in so many different ways."

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George Eduah

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