
January 27th , 2025



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Playing gaming may not initially sound like a top-line hobby for retirees. But virtual reality technology is becoming more accessible, and  enjoyable. it's a great way to keep your mind active.

Putting your leisure time to the best use is one of the first and challenges retirees face after leaving the workforce. There's more family time and maybe a few hours of part-time workeach week, but a good chunk of that free time can be usefully occupied with a hobby.

"The best way to keep your mind sharp in retirement is by effectively stimulating it. Participating in hobbies and activities post-retirement is a great way to prioritize this,"  "Active engagement of the brain can come in different forms, including learning a new craft, developing new skills or pursuing  hobbies."


Video gaming.

Hiking and Walking.

Bird watching.

Art classes.

Music lessons.


Rolling up your sleeves and digging into the dirt can be a good workout and a spiritual wonder, putting you on the same playing level.

"Gardening is a cherished hobby for retirees with us," says Brian Geyser, vice president of health and wellness at Maplewood Senior Living's Center for Aging Innovation and Technology at Inspr Carnegie Hill in New York City. "Tending to plants and watching them grow provides immense satisfaction and a deep connection to the natural world.

Video gaming

Video gaming may not initially sound like a top-line hobby for retirees. But virtual reality technology is becoming more accessible, and it's a great way to keep your mind sharp, and active.

"Experimenting with VR and playing  video games keeps me informed of new technologies and how they are being used," says Joseph Helgert, a retired Michigan State University professor and resident of the Mirabella retirement community on the Arizona State University campus in Tempe, Arizona. "The hands-on challenges of video games keep my reflexes from falling away. Solving the various puzzles keeps my cognitive abilities engaged and stimulated. I've already conquered many of them and look forward to the next level of challenges."

Walking and hiking

Retirement is a great opportunity to visit national parks, or state which offer discounted senior passes in many cases. "Retirees can take part in hiking, camping and other activities to keep them strong and active while also enjoying nature.

Art classes

Many retirees discover a newfound passion for art in retirement.

"Whether painting, or drawing, art provides a wonderful outlet for creativity and self-expression, Through art classes, they can unlock hidden talents and establish beautiful works of art, all while building a strong sense of community.

Music lessons

Whether it's learning to play the drums or joining a local choir, music is a fulfilling and shareable hobby in retirement.

"Learning music is a great way to improve mood and can be an active outlet for expressing  creativity, learning and growth," says Stefania Dannacher, a licensed clinical psychologist at Free from OCD LLC in Coconut Creek, Florida. 

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Stanley Hammond


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