
January 28th , 2025


Kwasi York

A year ago


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 A Guide for New Content Creators, Young Professionals, and Students

In today's digital era, LinkedIn has risen as the primary platform for professionals, students, and budding content creators to connect, network, and showcase their expertise.

However, delving into the intricacies of the LinkedIn algorithm can prove to be a daunting endeavours , particularly for those new to the platform.

Fear not! 

I am here to assist you.

 I will dissect the core workings of the LinkedIn algorithm, tailored to specifically to cater to new content creators, young professionals, and students.

First, it's important to shift your perspective on LinkedIn. 

Rather than viewing it through the lens of a Facebook-style app, think of it in the words of Tamilore Oladipo: “LinkedIn is akin to a Work Conference Presentation.” 

When posting your content, envision yourself giving a keynote presentation at a conference. 

Thus, ensure that your content is relevant to your audience (akin to conference attendees) and respects their time (adhering to the 3-second rule of attention ).

LinkedIn's objective is to deliver apt content to the right audience at the right moment.

According to Buffer, LinkedIn emphasizes showcasing expert content.

The updated LinkedIn algorithm(June 2023) hinges on the following metrics:

1. Relevance: The pertinence of the post to a specific audience.

2. Expertise: The author's proficiency in the subject matter.

3. Engagement: The presence of substantive comments from individuals with a historical interest in the topic of your post.

As a content creator, you aim to craft content that underscores your expertise and stimulates genuine engagement.

Should you find this article enlightening, don't hesitate to express your approval by liking and reposting it to help others

 Stay tuned for more invaluable insights on navigating the professional realm through the labyrinth of the LinkedIn algorithm!

Photo Credit: Buffer




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Kwasi York

Content writer

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