
June 16th , 2024


Edmund Gogah

9 months ago


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9 months ago

Kennedy Agyapong has provided additional context for his controversial "showdown" remark made at the Special Delegates Conference. In a viral video, he strongly reacted to perceived injustice, prompting various interpretations and speculations. 

  Kennedy Agyapong, a prominent figure in the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and a potential flagbearer, clarified on Twitter that his reaction was in response to a threat against his polling station agent's safety in the North East region. 

He explained"I reacted against injustice and that saved the life of GANIU one of my polling station agents in North East."

This clarification follows Agyapong's discussions with the NPP's elections committee about concerns raised during the special delegates conference.

The polling station agent in question, Alhassan Abdul Ganiyu, supported Agyapong's stance, affirming that his boss's outburst played a crucial role in protecting not only his life but also the lives of two other agents. Ganiyu described a tense situation where financial incentives were proposed but ultimately rejected by him and his fellow agents.

According to him, the regional chairman's reaction escalated the situation to the point where they felt threatened and trapped.

“The regional chairman said they will give us some amount of money, GH¢2000 and we said no we are not there for money. He insisted that he would increase the money by GH¢1000 and we said no, we are not going to go by any amount," Mr. Ganiyu said at a press conference.“Whatever amount you are going to give to us, we are not ready for it. Then after we told him we were leaving, myself, Alan’s agent and Kwadwo Poku’s agent, we said we were leaving, he ran and locked the door…telling us to better go and sign.

“He told us if we happen to move out he would allow the boys to attack us. And we said he should allow us to go so that the boys attack us on the way. So upon hearing the reportage, Honorable Kennedy quickly responded to what had transpired, they began to slow down the strategies and the pressure they were mounting on us. Then they all started moving out and we also had our way to move out,” he explains.

Ganiyu's account of the events contradicts an earlier explanation put forth by Mr. Agyapong's campaign team. On Monday, the team stated that  his "showdown" remark was not a threat to the President and Vice President, as interpreted by some, but rather a declaration of his intention to secure victory in the forthcoming November 4 polls.

In the midst of these differing narratives, Mr. Alexander Afenyo Markin, the Spokesperson of the NPP's Elections Committee, confirmed that they had engaged in positive discussions with Agyapong regarding the viral "showdown" comment. Mr. Afenyo Markin revealed that the committee would convene again on Thursday to conclude their deliberations.



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Edmund Gogah


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