
March 6th , 2025



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A year ago

The last time I posted a payment proof here from Neobux, my #1 and favorite Bux PTC site, was in March (click here to view it). So, some of you might be wondering what I have been doing with my Neobux earnings all this time. Well, let me share with you exactly what happened.


If you’ve been following my blog, you should know that I’ve already purchased or upgraded to Golden membership back in February. That’s a whooping $90 for the upgrade. Was it worth it? Well, I can tell you that in a way, it is. I now earn 100% referral commission. So, I get $0.01 per referral click. I also get 9 ads per day. That’s $0.09 per day.


I also have direct and rented referrals. I limited myself to just 200 rented referrals because I don’t want to continue investing. So far, I’m earning $3.00 to $5.00 per day from all my referrals (rented and direct). Not bad, right?


Well, the thing is, you also have to consider that I have to invest on recycling and renewing my rented referrals every 30 days or so. Recycling a referral costs $0.07. Buying or renewing a referral for 30 days costs$0.20-$0.25. For 60-day renewal, you get 10% discount, and you only pay $0.36 per renewal. For 90 days, you get 20% discount and you only pay $0.48 per renewal. What I do? I renew for 90 days ALWAYS.


I have read different strategies in maximizing my earnings from Neobux.  So, don’t be too dependent on what you read, including my strategies. If you have plans of investing in Neobux and renting referrals, then, you’d find out what strategy you need to use through trial and error.


And, so, because of trial and error, it took me over 3 months to withdraw from Neobux again. Don’t worry, good news is you’d get something good from that trial and error. I’ll be sharing my very own tips and techniques in Neobux so you won’t have to make the same mistakes I did throughout that trial-and-error phase.


And, I promise to keep it simple. I’m good in Math (Way to go, Mhel! Build yourself up! *LoL*), but, I don’t want to confuse you with computations, etc. I just feel that it’s absurd that some upgraded Neobux members complicate things with all those scripts they use to calculate their earnings, daily averages and return of investments. From my experience, when I was so focused on the daily averages was when I had the least profits.


When will I post my own tips and techniques in making money online with Neobux? Stay tuned for that! I’m still finishing writing that article and I really hope it’ll help you, especially those who are new in Neobux and are planning on upgrading. It’ll be another multi-part guide/article so I hope you find it useful.


If you have questions that you also want me to answer about Neobux, let me know in my contact page, comments section or chat box on the side.

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Joseph Foli Quaye

Digital Creator

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