
October 1st , 2024


Samuel Andoh

A year ago


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Definition of the colonization

Colonization is taking control of the administration of a people or a country by another country. Colonization can also mean taking control of an area or a country that is not your own, especially using force. Ghana was colonized by the British for over 110years of slavery fro (1450 to 1850).

The Main Reason Ghanaian In Is Relatively Cosmopolitan

The following are the reason why Ghana is relatively cosmopolitan in nature

1. To trade

2. To work or look for work

3. Inter-marriage

4. Education and trading 

The Population Distribution in Ghana is shown below:


Urban/Cities 65%

Rural/village 35%

Arrival Of The Europeans In The Gold Coast

The British British 1533

The Dutch Holland 1539

The Danes Denmark 1660

The Portuguese Portugal 1471

The Swedes Sweden 1640

The first Europeans to arrive in the Gold Coast were the Portuguese in 1471, they were the catholic missionaries. They first settled at Elmina.

The Main Reason Why Europeans Came To Gold Coast

Below are the main reason why the Europeans came to the Gold Coast

1. As a way of finding the route to Africa or other part of the world

2. To trade with the people

3. To evangelize or to preach the gospel 

Ghana was formally called Gold Coast, the name Gold Coast came from the Europeans when they first discovered alluvial Gold in rivers and streams.

Work of Early Europens in Education in the Gold Coast

The Presbyterians were the first missionaries to establish a training college in the country. It is the Akropong training college, established in 1848. 

The Wesleyan (Methodist) built the first secondary school, Mfanstipim in Cape Coast in 1876. The Anglican church opened Adisadel college, Nicholas Grammar school in the year 1910, St. Monica’s teacher training college was established at Asante Mampong in 1936.

The Missionary Work of The Early Europeans

The following were the missionaries that came to the Gold Coast

1. Basel (Presbyterian) missionaries 

2. Catholic Missionaries 

3. The Ahmadiya Missionaries

4. Wesley (Methodist Missionaries) 

Evangelization they preached the gospel and converted the people into Christianity. Some importan Africans were also trained for the priesthood, for example Philip Quacoe and Thomas Birch Freeman.

Meet the Author

Samuel Andoh

Content writer

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