
March 13th , 2025



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On this second day of this brand new year, I wish to dish out these words of advice to you: "Put God first, not your individual timetable, plans and goals.

Don't command God to work according to the plans you have for the year; you ought to work according to the plans that God has for you in order to avoid unforeseen potholes and untimely death.

This year, don't double cross God and don't look for short cuts that will override His divine will... Just let God have His way in your life, this 2022. His will might not be your will, but He will surely lead you to an end that is far more better for you than all that you planned for yourself.

And don't ever look at those people you claim that they are your mate; you don't have a mate because there are no mates in destiny. Just focus and run your own race, even while you pray for grace to be in God's will. This year, you will make it, if only you will allow God's will to prevail.. Put God in front in 2022... You won't ever regret it... E get why!

Don't let anyone or anything take God's throne in your life; if you do, you will watch as things fall apart right in front of you, and no matter how you try, when God is absent, emptiness will overshadow whatever accomplishment or progress you might make.

See, Your individual 'terms and conditions' for this year 2022 does not in any way apply to God's will and plans for the year 2022. If you must walk and work with God this year, let Him lead the way in the manner He so desire it to be. Even if he leads you through bitter valleys and tough terrain, don't let go of his hand because of your selfish ambitions and foolish goals that would land you into a land of pain in the end.

He who called Himself the way, will never lead you astray and no matter the plans the evil ones have for you this year, if you operate within God's own timetable, you will be able to sit at that table which He will set before you in the presence of your enemies.

Don't forget, your personal timetable does not trigger God to act; He doesn't come too early, neither does He come late; He simply comes at the right time... This 2022, you must be patient with God, if you must win in the end!

This year, don't forget that you shouldn't give God targets, neither should you become hopeless when some of the things you prayed for, are delayed or seem as if God has become deaf to your prayers. God knows what He is doing!

Don't become disillusioned when some of your friends walk away this year, and don't run from church to church when the problems of life come your way. Be disciplined, focused, prayerful and hopeful in 2022; pray and fast but don't forget that prayer and fasting cannot solve laziness. Don't look for overnight success in 2022 and don't let any evil friend lead you away from Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

Hold onto our mother Mary by saying your rosary daily. Finally, in 2022, as you exercise your faith, don't throw away common sense; and remember that giving to the poor pleases God so much that he considers it as borrowing from you... Surely, He will repay... 

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Stanley Hammond


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