
March 7th , 2025



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Our thoughts have a significant impact on our actions and overall life choices. The sad reality, however, is the fact that we live in a world surrounded by negativity. Although that is the case, the practice of positive thinking can help us fend away the undesirable energy that the world and our surroundings have to offer. This in turn creates for us an environment to grow and thrive.

This ability to have a positive mindset is a challenge for many people. Hearing stories of people who are able to easily and successfully do this is motivating and powerful. It is with hope that these stories provide the support needed for others to feel comfortable enough to take the leap.

Here are a few ways to practice positive thinking.

Be grateful and write it down

We have just as many things to be grateful for (if not more) than we have to be worried about. Try and focus on a few of them to put your mind at ease. Write them down if you have to. In fact, write five things you are grateful for every morning after waking up. We do not practice being grateful enough hence our mind has an easier time filtering out the good than the bad.

Identify bad habits and replace them with good ones

Whether it is overthinking, procrastinating, or being hung up in the past, we have an array of bad habits that plague our lives. We must identify these habits and learn to move away from them. Obviously, this is way harder to practice than to preach but we all need a starting point and we can always delve into new habits.

Identify areas where you need work

Positive thinking can enhance both our mental and physical health. It has been proven that positivity boosts our immune system making us more resistant to certain ailments. It makes us less prone to cardiovascular diseases due to lower blood pressure. If that is not enough, it also lowers the risk of depression and other mental health issues.

Positive Attitude Examples
Congratulating others
Admiring others without envy
Being adventurous
Showing affection
Being approachable
Acting with bravery
Caring for others
Working collaboratively
Showing confidence
Being considerate
Behaving cooperatively
Being determined
Taking your place in the world
Acting with dignity
Acting with integrity
Showing generosity
Practicing gratefulness
Being flexible
Being helpful
Forgiving others
A good imagination
Drawing inspiration from around you
Introspective thought
Loving others and yourself
Being open to new ideas
Being patient
Reflective thought
Making moral decisions
Acting ethically
Being sensible
Displaying sincerity
Working tirelessly
Trusting others
Making an effort
Internal locus of control
Accepting things as they are
Always looking for solutions
Having faith
Wishing others well
Seeing the best in a situation
Seeing good in everyone
Empathy for others
A warm personality
Adapting to new situations
Having ambitious goals
Listening attentively (aka active listening)
Being calm
A cheerful disposition
Showing compassion
Letting your creativity shine
Showing devotion
Working diligently
An easy-going attitude
Engaging with others
Focusing on success
Being friendly
A great sense of humor
Being optimistic
Being at peace with yourself
A relaxed nature

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Stanley Hammond


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