
January 27th , 2025



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One of the best parts about being in a restaurant is, for me, people-watching. I list this as one of my top-five hobbies (it is free, fun, does not involve sleeping in tents or the possibility of facing off with a wild animal and does not harm the environment).

As someone who possesses the entirely unAfrican habit of being early or on time, I get to practise my hobby quite a lot. I like to watch people as they enter and leave the restaurant, their companions, body language and so on. Ever seen those people who take almost one hour to decide what they should order? They are the most fun to watch, take it from a master at this sport!

These paralysed decision-makers are usually (quite unfortunately) paired with very firm and decisive people, because God has a fantastic sense of humour. Pity the waiter or waitress assigned to the table of an indecisive person.

They will be told to go and come back about four times, while Miss Indecision agonises over what will taste good versus what can be afforded and what will match the oh-so-scrumptious photos on the menu.

And then, after all that soul-searching, they will end up ordering the ‘wild card’ on the menu—something so obscure that even the chef will be stunned into a moment of silence when he receives the order. Think along the lines of ‘stuffed duck’ or ‘rabbit innards’— something that will turn out to either be the best thing they have ever eaten or the most terrible abomination to ever cross their lips. As for drinks, forget about it, that is another  20 minutes gone. 

If you are dating or married to one of these indecisive people, then you know they rarely make the decision to enter a relationship independently; instead they find themselves floating gently along on the crest of your decision. But watch out! This is the type of person who might wake up after 10 years and tell you “I’ve made up my mind, I can’t be with you any more” and leave you with your mouth hanging open.

Beware the indecisive person!


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Stanley Hammond


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