
March 17th , 2025



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A year ago

I'm very stranded in this marriage! What do I do now?

It is said sex after marriage, a statement that shows a youth's decency and Chastity. A tormenting moments with hectic trials to justify indeed one can be patiently enough to tie the knot before giving the red light. We could tell that it will be difficult to identify a "fresh green" in our current living. Intimacy had become something normal to all. Gone are the days people hide to have intimacy and keep it as a very top secret. Today what do we see? Social media and trends are making not normal things normal...

Abena Twum is my name, a forty year old with the assumption of me being barren. I am very dedicated to religion but love the world too. I've been married for about fifteen years and I would like to share my marriage experience with everyone. 

Growing up my mom used to tell me to be very stingy to guys who try to build a relationship with me. She said "if the tie is not yet tied dear never open it for them, be stingy". I disassociated myself from all sexual contents and conversation just to stay chaste. Due to my lifestyle and choice of friends, I was noted to be "Chriphe". People had the assumption I would be boring if hanging out with but on the low I loved partying. 

I remember at age twenty-four, I embarked on an excursion with my girls. We traveled to the Wli water fall in the Volta Region to enjoy the breeze and nature. It was a memorable moment in my life. We had lots of fun, met new people to interact with. Wli Fall gave me Yaw Ocansey, very reserved, cute and tall. Yaw was the ideal guy every lady would wish for. His presence tells he was living within his means. I nearly got drown in the water while having fun with my girls. Losing myself in the water, I thought the angel of death was already calling until around my waist I felt a warmth hands. I was brought out from the water to undergo CPR thus Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Gaining consciousness I heard the "are you okay dear?" Clinging to him for comfort was what I needed. Interactions begun afterwards which drew me closer to him emotionally. He was a church member but at his community. Days went improving our affections towards each other. Yaw proposed some months later which got me thinking immensely. After some days of being sure of my decision, I accepted his proposal. We promised ourselves no sex before marriage. Age twenty-five we got married. Finally going to give the red light. With anxiety and imaginary ecstasy, I was ever prepared to meet my man. Having little research on intimacy I begun practicing my knowledge. When arousal was intensed, my man perpetrated through "my back" I shouted loudly but he told me does what he wanted. Hmmm! Anal sex was the norm. I never enjoyed natural sex with my man. I've been in pains till now and can't take it anymore. My man was down to earth to people but his sexual life was horror. I can't report this to my family due our religious beliefs. Society will crucify me if I break up with him but I have been married a virgin

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Camara Barnes

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