
March 3rd , 2025



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The 2023 YEA recruitment is on going. We will specifically look at the2023 YEA ICT module. We will walk you through the application procedure with screenshots so that you will be able to apply without issues.

2023 YEA Recruitment: ICT Module.

The 2023 YEA recruitment is for Junior,Senior High school graduates, Diploma, and degree holders.

There are three areas for people to choose from. The following are the three areas which interested applicants can choose.

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  1. "Basic  Digital Skills"

This area is for those who want to be trained in Microsoft applications like word, power point presentation, excel, access and project.

These applicants will also be trained on social media. The social media categories that will be covered include: LinkedIn, Facebook,Instagram and Twitter(X). Emails scheduling and management will also be cover under the basic digital skills category.

The famous AI tools like ChatGPT will be covered. Others will be Midjourney and others.

2. "Intermediate Digital Skills"

If you are not interested in the first area, then you can go for this one.

Mobile app development will be heavily covered here. This will be done with Flutter. Web design and web development with Django will be covered under this "Intermediate digital skills".

Applicants under this category should be senior high school graduates or tertiary graduates. They should have basic  understanding and experience  of using devices like computers, tablets and laptops.

3. "Advanced Digital Skills".

This category is for tertiary graduates or "technology professionals" who need a second touch to enhanced their career.

They will be taken through machine learning with Python. Animation and data analytics will be covered under this category.

How to apply for the 2023 YEA recruitment?

We will take you through how to apply with screenshots so that you can apply without issues.

  • To apply, first visit:
  • You will have to register. To register you will need a Ghana Card number,residential address, district and region. There will be a portion for GPS address, if you don't have it, you can skip it as it is not Mandatory.


2023 YEA recruitment: ICT module

Click on the next to take you to the next phase for you to continue the 2023 YEA recruitment  registration process.

2023 YEA recruitment: ICT module

Here you will have to enter your MOMO network and MOMO number as well.

You will also have to enter your next of kin and your next of kin phone number.

Finally, tick the box to declare  that the the information you have entered are  correct.

Click next to go the final part of the 2023 YEA recruitment process for the ICT module.

2023 YEA recruitment: ICT module

The next phase is where you will have the chance to select the category of digital skill you want to enroll in.

You will have to also choose your education level.

Then click on the next button to be taken to where you will be able to see your registration code.

Deadline for the 2023 YEA recruitment.

The deadline for the 2023 YEA recruitment process for the ICT module is 2nd October,2023.




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