A year ago
You know me.
I form part in the execution of your ego
and evolves through your care and or ill-care for your habits and character.
I am in you and even in the ones who preach and write about me
It is me
I'm found in you all
I am an abstract figure featuring all your moments,
Positive and negative per how you allow me shown
Because of me, "first impression" is a guiding phrase for some of you and used by most teachers
Thus me, I'm exposed from your speech, dressing, posture, gestures, actions and inactions, your presence and absence, your involvement and separation among other interacting factors.
Hence, I can be found in all stages of life despite your level of civilization .
I'm inestimable huh, The power of Me.
The world cherishes me yet, don't want to be docile to my handling or fully tutored by me, what a stiff-necked world. huh
Karma is real, it just came to mind, it has its route from me.
Not forgetting, the famous saying "Treat all people equally irrespective of their origin, stature, status, appearance, culture to mention but a few" is taking its inference from me "it is me "
Therefore, If I tell you I surface in your social life, religious life, career life, academic environs and even here right and now, will you notice where, who and how I will be noticed? sigh!! smirk and laugh, haha...
That is really me, yh it is me, show casing multifacetedly
It is also me, that the greatest teacher taught in one of His gospel books, Matthew 7:12. Go find perusals for yourselves, homework!!! (do unto others as you want others to do unto you).
Should i repeat that I'm surfaced in your daily interaction and your quest for what interest you?
It is me,
still me, whose emergence in your life can push knowledge, understanding which are less than 100% to be 100%.
The numerical value of every alphabet in me sums up to 100% depicting my perfection. (1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5)=100%
Guess the alphabetical representation of the summed figures.
Try that of "Understand{u+n+d+e+r+s+t+a+n+d=()}and Knowledge{k+n+o+w+l+e+d+g+e=()}" and testify.
Therefore, without me your cravings for excellence using all other virtues will be in vain.
Cherish me!
Don't be complecent and live void of me due to my abstract feature rather, endeavor to learn about me and be conscious of me in your dealings because, I can DO, REDO and UNDO circumstances in your life.
Henceforth, take care of your;
Habit before they become character,
Character before they become ME,
even if me, It should be, my positive form lest, you will be despised if it's the otherwise.
It is me, Me your ATTITUDE.
Me, It is Me. ATTITUDE
From: Leo de poet.
Thank you
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